
2012年11月18日14:01  福布斯中文版    



  According to the director of the Brand Research Center with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SHJT), of China's 15,000 traditional brands, only 1,500 are still in business. Yet out of these 1,500, only ten are doing quite well at the moment。

  Over the course of China's extensive history, traditional Chinese culture and brands naturally have to deal with ups and downs. In order to survive and prosper, these ten brands must not only retain their competitive edge, but also keep up with the times。

蝴蝶缝纫机 [左图 右图]蝴蝶缝纫机 [左图 右图]



  1919年,民族资本家沈玉山创建了协昌缝纫机厂,开始生产蝴蝶牌缝纫机。1966年, “蝴蝶”正式成为该厂缝纫机产品的商标,并在全国声名鹊起。上世纪80年代,“蝴蝶”迎来了历史上的鼎盛时期。当时,全国有80多家缝纫机制造厂,几百家零件配套厂,而中国缝纫机产量的峰值曾一度达到过1,287万台这个数字。那时,上海市一名普通工人的月工资不过三四十元,一台缝纫机要150元,但只要能分到一张票,人们一定会毫不犹豫地买下那台刻着金色蝴蝶花纹的黑色缝纫机。但在进入90年末期后,成衣市场风生水起,缝纫机市场也相应没落,很少再有人愿意在家缝制衣服了。上海的家用缝纫机厂难以为生。

  但 “蝴蝶”并未死,它与“蜜蜂”等商标于2000年被上工股份收购,交给了进出口公司,开始转向外销市场。虽然利润严重紧缩,但是这个品牌确实是世界上销量最好的两款缝纫机械之一,另一个品牌是美国胜家。从2000年到2008年期间,“蝴蝶”的海外年销量约为44万到近60万台。它的最大需求地是非洲,占


  Established in: 1919

  Headquarters: Shanghai

  Product: Sewing machine

  In 1919, national capitalist Shen Yushan established the Xiechang Sewing Machine Company in Shanghai, and began producing sewing machines named "Butterfly" in 1966. In the 1990s, the highest annual output of the Butterfly sewing machine reached 1.4 million, and demand always managed to exceed supply. In 2000, after experiencing a few years of decline, Butterfly was purchased by Shanghai Shanggong Shenbei Group, who expanded their business to over 120 countries and regions in Europe and America。

冠生园食品 [资料图]冠生园食品 [资料图]






  Established in: 1915

  Headquarters: Shanghai

  Product: Food

  Shanghai businessman Xian Guansheng opened a food shop called Guan Sheng Yuan in 1915, selling self-made candy, glace fruit and cookies. By 1928, Guan Sheng Yuan had become one of the most famous food brands in Southeast China, with over ten branches throughout Jiangsu, Hubei and Sichuan provinces. Nowadays, the Guan Sheng Yuan Group has evolved from a national brand into a joint venture by Shanghai Yimin Food Group and CITIC Capital. Its main products include White Rabbit Creamy Candy, Guan Sheng Yuan Honey, Hua Tuo Tonic Wine and Fo Shou Condiments。

双妹化妆品 [左图 右图]双妹化妆品 [左图 右图]




  Established in: 1898

  Headquarters: Shanghai

  Product: Cosmetics

  Feng Futian founded Guang Sheng Hang Household Chemical Company, predecessor of Shanghai Jahwa, in 1898 in Hong Kong and began producing cosmetics under the VIVE brand. The products had gone on sale in Shanghai in 1903 and within seven years became the most popular cosmetics there. In the 1950s, Guang Sheng Hang transformed itself into a public-private corporation and VIVE cosmetics gradually vanished from the Chinese mainland. In 2010, the brand was brought back by Shanghai Jahwa and DEM Inc., which started producing luxury beauty products again for fashionable ladies。

张裕葡萄酒 [左图 右图]张裕葡萄酒 [左图 右图]




  张裕公司的百年大酒窖素有亚洲奇观之美称,当年前后建了3次,历时11年才完成。沿螺旋式的石级下行数米,便来到了地下大酒窖。该酒窖始建于1894年, 沉入地下7米,低于海拔1米,整体方位 北距海边不到100米,占地2,666平方米。酒窖虽傍海所建,又低于海平面,但不渗漏,四季常温14摄氏度左右。酒窖用中国传统烧制的大青石砌成,纵横交 错,共有8个幽深的拱洞。拱洞交错连环,有如迷宫,无人指点难以找到出口。

  Established in: 1892

  Headquarters: Yantai, Shandong

  Product: Wine

  In 1892, ChangYu Winemaking Corporation was founded by Zhang Bishi in Yantai, east of Shandong Province. Featuring the biggest underground wine cellar in Southeast Asia and a group of winemaking experts from different countries, the brand now has become one of the biggest and most renowned corporations in all of China, mainly focusing on the production and sales of wine. By late 2009, ChangYu built its second largest production base in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. As of 2012, its brand value has reached about 9 billion yuan (US$1.44 billion)。

全聚德烤鸭 []全聚德烤鸭 []



  经过长期发展,如今的全聚德形成了以独具特色的全聚德烤鸭为龙头,集“全鸭席”和400多道特色菜品于一体的全聚德菜系,在中国餐饮业500强中,全聚德 排名为中式正餐之首,被誉为“中华第一吃”。其全年营业额有7亿多人民币,每年销售烤鸭300余万只,接待宾客500多万人次。

  Established in: 1864

  Headquarters: Beijing

  Product: Restaurant

  To some extent, Quanjude can be considered as a symbol of Beijing, since its roast duck is something you mustn't miss when travelling here. Quanjude was founded by Yang Quanren in 1864 featuring making gualu roast duck (duck roasted over a fire). Its well-known All-Duck Banquet, headed by roast duck and boasting more than 400 other dishes, is also world famous. In May of 1993, Beijing Quanjude Group was set up and presently holds over 60 company-owned and franchised restaurants throughout the country。

老凤祥珠宝 [左图 右图]老凤祥珠宝 [左图 右图]



  由于近百年来的政权更迭、经济大动荡,老凤祥一度歇业,后几经重组改制。1992年老凤祥上市上交所。1998年,中国第一铅笔股份有限公司投资控股“老凤祥”,并最终在2009年,“中国第一铅笔”正式更名为“老凤祥股份”。 如今的老凤祥拥有上海门店70多家,全国连锁银楼、专卖店近千家,其城隍庙旗舰店更是坐拥5千多平方米,是全国独立品牌银楼之最。而其公司旗下也有老凤祥银楼、老凤祥首饰研究所、老凤祥珠宝首饰、老凤祥钻石加工中心等20多家子公司,和4个专业分厂。


  Established in: 1848

  Headquarters: Shanghai

  Product: Jewelry

  Started from a small workshop in 1848, Lao Feng Xiang is the oldest national brand originating from Shanghai. During the 1920s and 1930s, Lao Feng Xiang boasted one of the nine most famous jewelry shops in all of China. In 1992, the Shanghai Laofengxiang Co. Ltd. went public at the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE). The company currently has over 70 shops in Shanghai and almost 1000 throughout the country. During the first half of 2012, the company's net profits reached around 300 million yuan (US$48.03 million), up by 11 percent year-on-year。

谢馥春化妆品 [左图 右图]谢馥春化妆品 [左图 右图]





  Established in: 1830

  Headquarters: Yangzhou, Jiangsu

  Product: Cosmetics

  Founded in 1830 by Xie Hongye in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, Xie Fu Chun is the oldest cosmetics brand in China. After receiving a Silver Medal at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition held in San Fran, Xie Fu Chun achieved worldwide fame and became the No. 1 cosmetic brand throughout the country. In 1988, the total output of the company reached 10 million yuan (US$1.6 million 2012 USD), accounting for over 80 percent of the total number of Yangzhou's cosmetics industry. After two years of suspension, the brand was revived by Yangzhou Xiefuchun Cosmetics Co. Ltd. in October 2005.

茅台酒 [左图 右图]茅台酒 [左图 右图]






  Established in: 1704

  Headquarters: Guizhou

  Product: Alcohol

  Moutai is no doubt the richest and best known traditional Chinese brand in the world. Produced in Moutai County, Guizhou Province, Moutai was the first liquor in Chinese history to be produced in a large scale during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). With its pure and mellow taste, the alcohol is classified as being sauce-fragranced --jiangxiang in Chinese. Over the past few years, Moutai prices have been rising rapidly. Some people even think Moutai is more than just liquor and consider it a type of investment asset. In December 2010, a bottle of 1958 Moutai was auctioned off for a massive 1.45 million yuan (US$232,290 2012 USD), making it the most expensive alcohol in world history。

同仁堂药店 [左图 右图]同仁堂药店 [左图 右图]




  Established in: 1669

  Headquarters: Beijing

  Product: Traditional Chinese medicine

  Tong Ren Tang was founded by Yue Xianyang in 1669, the 8th year under the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Since 1723, Tong Ren Tang had been in charge of providing medicine to the royal pharmacy of the Qing Dynasty and did so for 188 consecutive years. After a 343-year-long development, the drug store has now become a leader and the largest producer of traditional Chinese medicine. At present, Tong Ren Tang consists of three sectors: Modern pharmaceuticals, retail business and medical services. According to the company manager, Tong Ren Tang is aiming to double the number of its retail outlets overseas to 100 by 2015.

张小泉剪刀 [左图 右图]张小泉剪刀 [左图 右图]



  自古有“南有张小泉,中有曹正兴,北有王麻子”的说法。只是历史无情,曾经的剪刀三状元,今日也唯有张小泉屹立不倒。中日战争之后,中国国内百废待兴。 1956年,在时任中国国家主席毛泽东的号召,中央政府拨款40万元重建杭州张小泉剪刀厂。在张小泉几代继承人的带领下,张小泉最高年产量曾达到4,200 万把。时至今日,它的产品种类发展壮大,包括家用剪、工农业园林剪、服装剪、美容美发剪、旅游礼品剪、刀具系列等共100多个品种,400多个规格。张小 泉在中国国内市场覆盖率和占有率一直居同行之首,同时产品还远销东南亚、欧美等地区。


  Established in: 1663

  Headquarters: Hangzhou, Zhejiang

  Product: Scissors

  The history of Zhang Xiao Quan Scissors can be traced back to 1663, the second year of Emperor Kangxi's reign of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). In the very beginning, the scissors were called Zhang Da Long; the company changed its name to the current version in 1663. Under the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1735--1796), the scissors were designated tributes to the imperial court. In 1915, they won a Silver Medal at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition held in San Francisco. In 1956, the central government allocated 40,000 yuan to rebuild the scissor factory which led to a revival of the old brand. Nowadays, there are more than 100 scissor varieties on sale in the company's shops, and the brand is also available in several Southeast Asian, European and American countries。

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