
2012年11月24日14:14  新浪教育 微博   



  1. You are not wearing THAT, are you?(你烦不烦?)

  Even if it looks like a question, this phrase is actually asuggestion or a despotic order, depending by the woman’s mood. It’squite a dangerous phrase, because if you, men, don’t know how toreact appropriately, it is every time followed by a looongdiscussion. The meaning of“You are not wearing THAT, are you” couldbe either a) she does not like it or b) it is not appropriate forthe occasion. Regardless the case, the translation of this rhetoricquestion is “YOU’RE NOT WEARING THAT!”, so run and change。

  She: Oh, hell … please tell me you are not wearing that outfittonight, are you It’s hideous!

  He, ironic: No, see, I was in the closet and you wasn’t aroundto help me, so this outfit must have been hanging right next whatyou wanted me to wear. Well, I am going to change now。




  2. Listen to me! Are you listening?(听我说!你在听吗?)

  If your girlfriend or wife has something to say, payattention. When women use the phrase “Listen to me!”, you are stillon safe ground, she gives to you a second chance to engage in theconversation. But when she is using “Are you listening”, you aredead. She will explode, she will freak out, your evening isruined。

  She: Now listen to me, ’cause I’m only gonna say this once: ifI catch you another time playing computer games, you will be in bigtrouble mister! Now go and fix that broken washing machine!

  He: Can’t I relax for half an hour?

  She: We can relax together. Why do you have to lose so muchtime with your stupid PC games Am I not important enough Why do youprefer to play games than spend time with me Are youlistening?

  He: Yes, my dear!

  She: No, you are not listening! You are still think at  Worldof Warcraft. Your insanely obsession with those absurd PC gamesdrives me crazy. Are  computer games really the answer torelaxation for you !







  3.Do you know what day is today?(你知道今天是什么日子吗?)

  Birthday, one week, one month, one year anniversary…engagementanniversary, wedding anniversary, international women’s day … somewomen celebrate anything and everything they can tie a significantmeaning to. If   you forget the anniversary, you are screwed. Shewill forgive you, but she won’t forget it。

  She: Do you remember what day is today?

  He: How could I forget it It’s Friday。

  She: It’s our anniversary…

  He: Oops, I’m just a guy! You know how bad my memory is…







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