Can you believe it’s now been five years since Gossip Girl first premiered back in 2007? Naturally, the actors behind each of our favorite Upper East Siders have grown up quite a bit in that time. But who has changed the most, and who still looks more or less the same? Take a look and find out.2007年《绯闻女被观众嫌胖 美国女主播公开强势回应新浪教育 孩》(Gossip Girl)首播,现在已经是第五个年头了。这真让人难以置信 。备受我们喜爱的上东区的贵族们在五年里自然也成长了不少。谁发生了翻天覆地的变化,而谁依然是五年前的那副模样?让我们盘点一下吧
Ed Westwick (Chuck) used to look so... young. The change has been so gradual over the years that we barely even noticed it. But when we look back at Ed’s Season 1 promo shots, it definitely becomes clear: Chuck Bass grew up these past few years. And he grew up fine. Gone is that bratty little high school kid who still didn’t quite know how to put on a tie properly. The Chuck Bass we see today is sophisticated, refined, and (duh) still hot as hell。艾德·维斯特维克(恰克)曾经看上去这么···稚嫩。他的变化循序渐进,以致于我们都没有注意到。但当我们回首艾德在第一季的剧照时,变化就显而易见了。恰克·巴斯在这几年里成长了,成长为一个成熟的男人。那个甚至不知道如何打领带的令人讨厌的高中小屁孩已经不见了。今日,我们所见到的的恰克·巴斯内心复杂、彬彬有礼,不变的是他的性感。
Remember back when the sight of Leighton Meester’s Blair without a headband was about as rare as, say, spotting Lonely Boy perusing the jewelry collection at Bergdorf’s? These days, B hasn’t been spotted wearing a headband — or a schoolgirl uniform — in ages. Of course, she briefly traded up for a princess crown in Season 5, but Blair’s time a real-life royalty lasted about as long as it takes to say “Blouie。” Wardrobe changes aside, though, Leighton herself really doesn’t look all that different than she did five seasons ago. A bit less of a baby face, perhaps. But other than that, she really hasn’t changed much at all。还记得那段由莉顿·梅斯特扮演的布莱尔不带发箍和孤独男孩细细研究波道夫百货珠宝橱窗 一样罕见的日子吗?现在,B已经很久没有戴发箍或是穿校服了。当然,在第五季里,她 成为带着王冠的公主。但这段真实的王家恋爱不过是昙花一现。布莱尔的衣服换了一波又一波,但莉顿看起来和第一季并没有什么不同。也许减了点婴儿肥吧。除此之外,她并没有怎么变。
Penn Badgley (Dan), on the other hand, is light years away from his boyish Season 1 self. Okay, we’ll admit it: His big change in appearance is mostly all in the hair. His super-short cut from the series premiere has gotten progressively longer — and curlier — over the years, and it reached critical levels of overgrown, out-of-control mop head by mid-season 5. Luckily, Penn gave his locks a much-needed chop before starting to film Season 6.佩恩·贝格利(丹)和第一季中的腼腆少年已经相隔好几个光年了。好吧,我们承认,他在样貌上的变化基本上就是发型。这些年来,他在首播时的超短发已经长得很长很卷了,在第五季中期,他的发型变成“失控拖把头”,备受诟病。幸好,在开始拍摄第六季之前,他把自己那需要锁起来的生长过度的头发好好剪了剪。
Like her co-star Leighton, the biggest change in Blake Lively’s (Serena) appearance has more to do with a difference wardrobe than a significant change in physical features. Blake’s still leggy, blond, and youthful as ever — but her sexy schoolgirl wardrobe is certainly a thing of the past. These days, S is all about the glitzy designer fashions and grown-up ensembles. No more plaid skirts and pleats here!布莱克·莱弗利(瑟琳娜)和莉顿一样,样貌上的变化主要是衣柜里的服饰。布莱克依然是那个活力四射的长腿金发美女,但她那“性感女学生”风格的衣柜已成往事。现在,S穿着炫目的定制服装,看上去很成熟。格子裙?百褶裙?再见!
Taylor Momsen (Jenny) was already starting to look a bit goth when she left Gossip Girl in Season 4 on an “indefinite hiatus” back in 2010. But since then, the now only 18-year-old rocker is now looking even more edgy and hard core. These days, the former Little J is all about the fishnets, leather boots, and racoon eye makeup.2010年,当泰勒·摩森(珍妮)在第四季“无限期离开”《八卦天后》时,她看起来已经很哥特了。从那以后,年仅18岁的摇滚歌手看起来更加摇滚风了。现在,LittleJ总是穿着渔网袜和长皮靴,画着浓浓的眼线。
Chace Crawford (Nate) may have trimmed his hair from those shaggy, sun-kissed locks we feel in love with back in Season 1, but his sexy stare and boyish good looks remain the same. In the years since Gossip Girl first began, Nate has traded his boyish backpack and preppy school uniform for the more sleekand professional look of a new media businessman, but he’s still — without a doubt — the same Abercrombie model-lookalike charmer we’ve been crushing on since the beginning。切斯·克劳福(内特)也许从第一季的中分变成了斜刘海,但他性感的眼神和少年般的样貌却一模一样。这些年来,内特把他的少年背包和学院风校服换成了更加笔挺、专业的服装,成为了一个新媒体商人,但毫无疑问,他依然是我们从一开始便爱上的、看起来像橱窗模特一样的魅力男人。