
2012年12月07日09:36  沪江英语 微博   


  It wasn't a bad plan but there was just one small, or perhaps that should that be one large, flaw。在监狱的墙上挖洞逃跑,听起来不是个坏计划,就是这个计划里有一个很小的漏洞。好吧,这个漏洞其实还是挺大的。

  This tubby prisoner's audacious bid for freedom ended in total disaster after he got lodged in his escape hole and ended up surrounded by giggling guards leaving two accomplices still trapped inside。这位身材臃肿的囚犯,他的冒险越狱之旅就这样演变成了一场彻头彻尾的灾难:他穿过洞逃跑的时候被卡住了,最后引来一群狱警围观讥笑。他的另外两位同伙还被困在监狱里面。

  Firefighters in the Brazilian city of Ceres ended up having to be called in to free 16-stone inmate Rafael Valadao when his big belly stopped him making his escape。这场悲催的越狱事件发生在巴西刻瑞斯市的某监狱,被卡住的这名犯人叫拉斐尔-瓦拉达奥,他身材重达16英石(约为203斤)。越狱的时候他的肚子太鼓结果被卡住了,最近狱警们不得不叫来消防队才把他解救了出来。

  Prison guards compounded his embarrassment by standing round laughing as the operation to release him swung into action。让他更尴尬的是,在消防队过来采取行动把他弄出来的时候,狱警们全都在旁边围观笑成一团。

  Authorities were last night hunting for a thinner cell-mate who managed to escape first。监狱当局昨晚在搜捕他的另外一位逃出去的狱友,那位明显身材较瘦所以才能逃出生天。

  Two other inmates waiting behind Valadao also saw their hopes of freedom thwarted by the unexpected hitch in their escape bid。还有另外两位监狱同伙也等在瓦拉达奥后面准备逃走,不过由于出现了这样的悲催突发状况,他们逃走的计划显然已经落败。

  The four hatched their escape plan at a jail in Ceres in the central Brazilian state of Goias。这场四人越狱计划发生在巴西中部亚斯州刻瑞斯市的一座监狱里。

  Firefighters stepped in around 2am this morning after the two inmates waiting their turn behind Valadao failed in various attempts to push him through the hole they had made with a metal bar。据说他们逃走的这个洞是用钢条挖出来的。消防队在当日凌晨两点闻讯到达了监狱,当时瓦拉达奥的另外两位狱友正等在后面,他们想尽所有办法想把他从洞里推出去都未果。

  He was later taken to hospital under police protection with a suspected broken rib. A police spokesman said: "He was screaming with pain when help arrived. He seemed to have underestimated the size of his stomach.'瓦拉达奥随后在警方保护下被送往就医,身上可能有一根肋骨断裂。一位警方发言人称:“当消防队到达时他叫得非常痛苦,他可能低估了自己肥壮的肚子。”

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