
2012年12月17日10:07  沪江英语 微博   

  You're moving up on the job, thanks to your hard work and rockin' ideas. It never hurts to make a few allies along the way, though. We picked the brains of a few powerful women and career experts to get their advice on work friends you need to have to help advance your career. 你的辛勤工作和层出不穷的想法,终于换来了工作上的步步高升,但与一些工作伙伴结盟也不失为一件好事。我们从一些有能力的女士以及职业专家那获得了一些建议,看看职场女性到底需要结交什么样的朋友来促进工作的进展。

  1. The Interns实习生

  The interns might just be students now, but think five or 10 years down the road. They'll eventually be your colleagues-and might eventually be your "in" at a dream company. 实习生基本上都还是学生,但往后推迟5到10年,他们最终会成为你的同事,或是进入你梦寐以求的公司工作,成为你的门路。

  2. The Office Gossip 办公室里的八卦精

  You know the type-she spends working hours doing everything but work. She might annoy the crap out of you, but she knows stuff-like who's leaving, who's being promoted-that you can use to strategize your own move up in the company. 你知道有一种人,她们的工作时间除了工作什么都干。她的废话可能会让你觉得很厌烦,但她可能知道谁要离职,谁将升职哦!好好利用她的资源,你就能知道自己在公司应该如何进步。

  You don't have to chime in-nor should you-when she dishes. But definitely listen up when she talks. 你不必附和她,也不必与她为伍。你要做的就是她说的时候好好听着。

  3. The I.T. Person 信息技术人员

  Being the I.T. person at any company is a pretty thankless job-after all, you probably only talk to them when you need your computer fixed. Get friendly with them, though: You'll get your requests processed faster-and they'll probably give you a few tips to keep it from happening again, leaving you more time to wow your boss. 任何公司的信息技术人员恐怕都是最吃力不讨好的活了,你只有在电脑需要修理的时候才会想到和他们说话。和他们好好相处,他们就会对你的修理任务更加上心,还会给你点小提示让你防止再次发生类似情况,这样你就可以节省出更多时间好好为老板服务啦。

  4. The Office Manager 办公室经理

  Like the work gossip, being friendly with the office manager means you'll get the inside scoop about upcoming job openings and other happenings in the office. She also orders everything for the office-including the goods you need to make it through a challenging project-so she should be your new BFF. 和八卦精一样,和办公室经理搞好关系,你就能知道很多的内幕,比如接下来有何工作机会,以及其他办公室的事情。她还负责订购办公室的所有东西,包括你在完成具有挑战性的项目过程中需要的东西。她会是你最好的职场朋友哦。

  5. The Developer 开发者

  You have this great idea for a new software program that is sure to make bank for the company, but it requires a ton of legwork to get up and running. The problem? The development team-like I.T.-always has a ton of projects running. Get on a first-name basis with the team and your projects might get bigger priority over others. 你有个非常好的软件项目想法,肯定能为公司赚大钱,但这需要大量的跑腿活来启动和运行。发现问题没?开发团队(比如信息技术这块)一直都会有超多的项目同时进行,和整个团队搞好关系,让自己的名字永远排在第一个,这样你的项目就比其他人的有了优先权。

  Another benefit? Developers work closely with the management team and they might put in a good word about your project. 其他的好处呢?那就是开发者们的工作和管理团队密切联系,他们或许会对你的计划说几句好话。

  6. The Male Colleague 男同事

  We're all for making nice with the women in your company, but getting the perspective of a trusted-and platonic-male co-worker can give you the different perspective you need to work through problems in your job. 我们在公司总是和女同事搞好关系,但和值得信任的男同事建立纯洁的友谊关系,也能给你带来不同的好处,帮助你解决工作中会遇到的问题。

  7. The Boss's Assistant 老板助理

  Want a chance at that cushy corner office? You need to get in good with the boss' assistant. This super-organized colleague knows everything about her boss's schedule-and your meetings won't happen without her. Heck, she'll even bump you up the calendar if she likes you enough. 想得到机会去老板办公室跟他当面交流?你需要和老板的助理搞好关系。这个超有条理性的同事对你老板的日程了如指掌,没有她,你和老板的见面就可能无可能。如果她足够喜欢你,就可以帮你的要求排进老板的日程里。

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