For graduates, the salary is always a crucial concern when applying for jobs and deciding whether to accept an offer.According to a white paper on employment in Guangdong province during the first quarter of this year, the average salary for students with a bachelor’s degree was 2,795 yuan a month。大学毕业生在求职和筛选工作时,薪酬一直是他们十分关心的问题。“广东省2013年第一季度就业白皮书”显示,本科毕业生平均工资为2795元/月。
In a nationwide survey of more than 9,000 students by China Youth Daily at the end of last year, the average monthly salary barely reached 3,000 yuan。去年年末,《中国青年报》针对全国范围内的9000多名毕业生进行了一项调查,结果显示毕业生平均工资勉强达到3000元/月。
According to a report by CBN Weekly, a business weekly based in Shanghai, the third year of working for a company is when the salary starts to rise.But it also pointed out that 2012 saw the smallest salary increases in China, with salaries going up by an average of only 9 percent。据《第一财经周刊》报道称,入职一家公司的第三年,你的薪水才会开始起跳。但该报道也指出,2012年是国内涨薪幅度最小的一年,平均工资涨幅仅为9%。
Interestingly, after working for a year, 53.6 percent of employees are satisfied with their benefits package, despite the fact that the entry-level salary was comparatively low。有趣的是,在工作一年以后,53.6%的职员对自己的薪酬待遇感到满意,尽管他们起薪相对较低。
21st Century talked to four students who majored in English to get their views on starting salaries and how they feel about their career development。《二十一世纪英文报》特别采访了四位英语专业毕业生,来倾听他们对起薪的看法,了解他们是如何看待各自的职业发展。
A degree or major in English is simply a tool, not a set of rules. There are no black-and-white lines carved in stone to limit an English Major graduate with an open mind。学习英语专业或者拿到英语专业的学位是一种工具,不是一堆法则。并没有明确的规定限制英语专业的毕业生要做什么。
1.Zhao Haochen, Capital Normal University
Graduation Year: 2013
Employer: Beijing Runfeng School
Job: English teacher
Monthly salary: 4,000 yuan赵浩晨(音译),首都师范大学
Zhao Haochen was determined
to become an English teacher when she enrolled at college. In Beijing, a 4,000-yuan salary is the standard for junior middle school English teachers. Beyond this, she gets a bonus for good performances and teaching extra hours. “I see the job as a starting point for acquiring teaching experience, not just money,” Zhao said。赵浩晨的大学志向就是当英语老师。在北京,初中英语教师的标准工资为4000元/月。除此之外,她还会拿到绩效奖金以及课时补贴。“我把这份工作看做是积累教学经验的起点,而不仅仅是为了钱。”赵浩晨说。
2. Wang Shuo, Beijing International Studies University
Graduation Year: 2013
Employer: State Administration of Radio, Film and Television
Job: clerk
Monthly salary: 3,000 yuan王烁(音译),北京第二外国语学院[微博]
After a series of tests and interviews, Wang was offered a job at the civil service. Money isn’t a concern for Wang because the stability provided by the civil service system is good enough. “I care more about the potential of a job. As long as it’s good for my future career I’ll take it no matter how much money is involved。”通过一系列的笔试和面试,王烁成为了一名公务员[微博]。对于王烁而言,钱不是问题,因为公务员“铁饭碗”已经够好的了。“我更关注一份工作的潜力。只要这份工作对我未来的职业生涯有利,不管工资多少,我都要拿下它。”
3.Li Hongbang, Shantou University
Graduation year: 2013
Employer: a trading company
Job: administrative assistant
Monthly salary: 2,000 yuan李虹邦(音译),汕头大学
Li rents a house in a suburb two hours from downtown Shantou by bus. She gets up at 6 am every morning. Despite these difficult conditions, Li is biding her time to gain more experience. “I will quit and look for a better job eventually, but you can’t ask for more money when you have less than one year of work experience,” she said。李虹邦在汕头郊区租了间房子,据市区车程要两个小时。她每天早上6点起床。尽管条件艰苦,但李虹邦还是选择积累工作经验,等待良机。她说:“尽管我终将选择辞职、跳槽,但是如果工作经验不满一年,你就不能要求加薪。”
4.Liang Xingchun, Guangzhou University
Graduation year: 2012
Employer: export manufacturer
Job: sales
Monthly salary: 10,000 yuan梁星纯(音译),广州大学[微博]
Liang’s paycheck looks pretty good. But the entry-level salary a year ago was only 2,000 yuan. The first three months weren’t easy, but Liang worked hard to satisfy his clients. When they trusted him, they introduced more clients. “Then I got more orders, and my income rocketed. The flip side is that I sometimes need to work six days a week, and I always work overtime,” said Liang。梁星纯的薪水相当不错。但在一年前,他刚刚入职时工资才只有2000元。上班的头三个月并不容易,但是梁星纯努力去满足客户需求。当客户信任了他,便会带来更多的客户。“这样我拿到的订单数一多,收入也跟着增加了。但另一方面,我有时一周要工作六天,而且总是加班。”