
2013年06月18日11:48  沪江英语 微博   

  With the number of deaths we see on The Vampire Diaries, the cast list changes about as often as Silas changes faces. So really, it should come as no surprise that fans of TVD have a hard time keeping everyone straight!《吸血鬼日记》经常会有各种角色死掉,所以演员名单换得几乎跟Silas的样貌一样频繁。怪不得《吸血鬼日记》的粉丝经常会认错人了。

  In fact, a former star of the show recently revealed that she frequently gets mistaken for Candice Accola (Caroline). “I’ve had a number of people send me photos of Candice,” the actress told Channel Guide Magazine. 一位《吸血鬼日记》前任演员就自曝说自己经常被粉丝错认成Candice Accola(Caroline的扮演者),她说:“很多人会给我Candice的照片。”

  Sara Canning (Aunt Jenna) says she often gets confused for Candice Accola, with fans going so far as to ask her to sign photos of her former co-star.Sara Canning(Jenna阿姨的扮演者)说她经常被错认成Candice Accolad(Caroline的扮演者),经常会有粉丝要她在照片上签上Candice的名字。

  With similar hair colors and very similar ages, we can’t blame them for mixing the two up. 这两位女星头发颜色相似,年纪相近,的确是容易被弄混。


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