
2013年06月24日16:46  新东方在线 微博   

  Singapore's smog index hit the critical 400 level on Friday, making it potentially life-threatening to the ill and elderly people, according to a government monitoring site。

  The record level was reached at 11:00am local time (0300 GMT) after a rapid rise in the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI), which measures the haze crisis caused by Indonesian forest fires。

  Indonesian and Singaporean officials have been holding emergency talks on how to extinguish the fires on farms and plantations on Sumatra island, which are also affecting Malaysia。

  According to Singapore government guidelines, sustained PSI average levels above 400 on a 24-hour basis "may be life-threatening to ill and elderly persons"。

  General practitioner Philip Koh said he had seen a 20 per cent spike in consultations in the past week, and estimated that about 80 per cent of all his patients are suffering from haze-related ailments。

  "My patients are telling me they are worried about how long this is going to last and how much higher this is going to go. It is already high at 400 now, how much higher will it go?" he said。


  在污染标准指数(Pollutant Standards Index,PSI)急速上升之后,于当地时间11:00达到了创纪录的高度。这个指数是用于测量印尼森林火灾引发雾霾严重程度。



  私营外科诊所的菲利普·许(Philip Koh)称,在过去一周,来问诊的人数激增20%,他的病人中估计有80%的人患有与雾霾相关的病症。


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