Always wondered what the summer interns really think? We polled a sample of interns to get their thoughts on surviving a summer indoors and on the job:你是否很好奇暑期实习生都在想什么呢?我们找了一些正在实习的实习生,询问了他们在整个夏天都在室内实习的日子里是怎么过的:
Stay occupied. Being bored at an internship is the worst. If no one has assigned
you something to work on, seek it out. When you're busy the hours fly by and you gain more experience and respect from your bosses and co-workers。保持忙碌。在实习时感到无聊是最糟糕的事。假如没有人给你安排什么工作任务,你就自己去找点儿事做。当你忙起来的时候时间就过得飞快。而且你也会从老板和同事那儿获得更多的经验和尊重。
Build in rewards. Before I hit the office, I buy an oatmeal raisin
cookie and try to save it for mid-day. It gives me something to look forward to and a reward for myself for making it through that part of the day。建立奖励机制。在我去办公室之前,我会买一块燕麦葡萄饼干,把它保存到中午。它给了我一些盼头,也是对我那半天工作的一种奖励。
Be nice! I recommend being friendly to everyone -- the receptionist, mailroom people, IT personnel and the janitors. You never know when you might need their help to get something important done. It helps to have friends in all sorts of places。待人友善!我建议要对所有人都友好一些——接待员、邮件收发员、IT职员或是门卫。你永远不知道什么时候你会需要他们的帮助来完成一些重要的工作。到处都有朋友是件对你大有裨益的事情。
Eat right. You must have breakfast in the morning so that you can take a late lunch -- the second half of the day is always slower。合理饮食。你必须吃早饭,这样你才能够晚一点吃午饭——后半天总是过得更慢。
Work for money. Get an internship that pays! I work three days at my internship and the other four days at my paying job. Plus I take a night class. I survive off of $0.65 street vendor coffee。向钱看。找一个有报酬的实习!我三天做实习,四天做有报酬的兼职工作。另外,我还要上夜间课程。我靠着喝街边卖的0.65美元的咖啡才坚持了下来。
Don't be a peon. Interns need to take the initiative
to start and finish tasks efficiently and on time without running to their boss with obvious questions every five minutes. If you act like a peon you'll get treated like a peon."别像个苦力。实习生需要主动并且高效地工作,还要按时完成任务,而不是每五分钟就跑到老板办公室问一些愚蠢的问题。你要是表现得像个苦力,你就会被当做苦力对待。