
2013年06月26日16:43  沪江英语 微博   

    The three men and one woman were stabbed to death in their food shop in Port Moresby on Monday night。巴布亚新几内亚首都莫尔兹比港当地时间周一晚,三名男子和一名女子在他们经营的的食品店内被人用刀捅死。

  The victims had multiple stab wounds on their bodies, police said. Money is said to have been stolen from the shop。警方称,受害人身上有多处刀伤,店内现金被洗劫一空。

  Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister has condemned the "brutal and cowardly attack" and called on the community to stay calm。巴布亚新几内亚总理谴责称,这是一起“残忍、怯懦的”袭击,号召当地民众保持冷静。

  "I have been assured by the police commissioner that no resource will be spared to ensure that the perpetrators of this heinous crime be found and brought to face the full force of the law," he said。他说:“当地警方保证,他们将不惜余力确保将这起恶性案件的罪犯捉拿归案,让他们面对法律的严惩。”

  The premises of the shop was secured with high fences and razor wire, and the attacker or attackers were thought to have jumped over the fence into the premises, local newspaper The National reported。当地报纸《国家报》称,食品店外围设有高栅栏和铁丝网,袭击者很可能是翻过栅栏进入店铺的。

  "There were many knife wounds to their bodies," police commander Andy Bawa said, adding that the killings were "senseless, inhumane and barbaric". Radio New Zealand cited police as saying one was beheaded and the others were “chopped up”安迪-巴瓦警长说,“受害人身上有多处刀伤。” 他还表示袭击凶手“麻木冷酷、毫无人性、野蛮残忍”。新西兰广播援引警方消息称其中一名受害者被砍头,其他三名则被残忍“肢解”。

  In 2009, riots against Chinese businesses in Papua New Guinea left at least two people dead. The riots were thought to stem from resentment against Chinese migrants, who are viewed as relatively well-off.2009年,巴布亚新几内亚曾发生反对中国商人的群体暴乱事件,至少导致二人丧生。那次暴乱被认为是源于对中国移民[微博]的愤恨情绪,因为在当地人们认为中国商人都很富裕。

  Papua New Guinea recently passed legislation expanding its use of the death penalty, following a number of high-profile and violent crimes。巴布亚新几内亚在几起最近备受关注的暴力犯罪之后,已通过立法扩大死刑使用范围。


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