谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人?

2013年07月01日16:54  沪江英语 微博   
谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人? 谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人?
谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人? 谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人?
谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人? 谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人?
谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人? 谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人?
谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人? 谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人?
谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人? 谷歌阅读器正式关停 谁是下一个RSS接班人?

  Google shuts down Reader on July 1, citing a drop in usage and a shift toward a smaller selection of Google services。

  7月1日,谷歌宣布正式关停Google Reader服务,原因是用户都转向其他更为轻巧便捷的谷歌产品,使谷歌阅读器的使用率不断下降。

  If you're a Google Reader user, now's the time to export your subscriptions. Users can do this by going to Settings, Import/Export and follow the steps to export your subscriptions through Google Takeout, which will download to a computer in a ZIP folder. Most RSS readers will let you import subscriptions (saved as an XML file) easily。

  如果你是Google Reader的老用户,现在是时候转存订阅条目了。用户可以从“设置”选项里导出原订阅,通过Google Takeout以压缩包形式下载到电脑上。大多数RSS阅读器都允许导入新条目。

  Since Google announced Reader's demise in March, several other options have emerged to potentially fulfill your RSS needs. Here are some alternatives to consider。

  自谷歌三月宣布将关停Google Reader之后,另有几款RSS阅读器出现,可供用户选择。看看下面有那款适合你吧。


  As of right now, this is the best option in a Google Reader free world. It's flexible, so users can opt for the traditional Google Reader list appearance, or go for a more dynamic magazine view. Feedly also offers the best selection of sharing options, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Pocket, Instapaper and Evernote. Users can click a Save For Later bookmark as well for reading directly on the app. The service works great as a browser extension on Chrome, Firefox or Safari (and standalone Web client), and features a native app for Apple's iOS and Google's Android。


  谷歌宣布将关闭Google Reader的当天,Feedly增加了50万用户,充分显示了这款服务的“首席接班人”潜质。它的功能比较纯粹,与Google Reader十分接近。


  1. 三种阅读版式:纯文字列表、卡片式列表和图文混排杂志样式;

  2. 跨平台服务,在提供桌面版的同时,突出Android手机和平板电脑客户端;

  3. 与Google Reader紧密整合,订阅源、星标文章等可以实时同步。


  The mobile app for iOS and Android opts for a more visual approach to story syndication, presenting feeds in a magazine-style format. Along with RSS feeds, users can add updates from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, "flipping" pages with simple swipes on the touchscreen. Simiilar to notetaking app Evernote, Flipboard allows users to clip content from the Web to display in a digital magazine for their mobile devices. The big drawback to Flipboard is users can't read their feeds on a desktop or laptop. It's for smartphones and tablets only。


  Flipboard并非一款RSS阅读器,却提供了比RSS丰富得多的功能。用户不仅可以订阅内容,还可以自行制作电子杂志,并分享给他人。可以说,Flipboard是Google Reader的高级形态,正向内容制作平台转型。


  1. 卡片式界面精美实用;

  2. 突出电子杂志概念,排版向杂志靠拢,阅读体验更佳;

  3. 用户可以自行制作电子杂志并被他人订阅。

  Digg Reader

  The newest RSS reader from Digg is a clean, simple choice. Sharing is limited to Twitter and Facebook, but users can set up connections to Pocket, Instapaper or Readability to view content later. Users can "Digg" stories, which bolsters a cool Popular section that breaks down the most popular stories appearing on your RSS. There are some important functions missing, such as "Mark as Unread" and "View Unread Items Only" options, but Digg says they plan to add those features quickly。

  Digg Reader:社交新闻服务浴火重生

  Digg是一款社交新闻聚合服务,在Google Reader宣布将关闭后,它在90天内开发了一款RSS阅读器,也就是Digg Reader。初期试用表明,这款阅读器倾向于Digg内容的整合与分享。


  1. 与Digg社区紧密整合,推荐实时热门资讯;

  2. 用户可轻松将内容分享至Digg社区;

  3. 支持Twitter、Facebook和谷歌账号同时登陆,按照热门程度排列资讯。


  This is why Newsvibe's features top—there's no sharing options, no mobile apps, no browser extensions, nothing fancy. Depending on your needs, it could either be entirely too feature anemic or elegantly minimal. If you're looking for something simple, fast, free, web-based, and available on any web-enabled device, it's worth a look。




  1. 简洁清爽,速度快;

  2. 免费提供服务。


  Xianguo is founded by Gongjun in June 2007. It is not the first local service in Chinese online RSS reader market. Zhuaxia used to be the leader but Xianguo quickly beat it with better online platform. Now, Xianguo has several millions users and partnered with Baidu, Sina, Hexun, Tom, Yahoo, Alibaba, CSDN, Blogub etc providing RSS reader service。


  作为国内老牌RSS阅读器之一,鲜果在Google Reader宣布关闭后开始支持一键迁移功能,希望招揽更多用户。鲜果阅读器的功能和界面都非常简单,还有许多改进空间。


  1. 界面简单,支持中文;

  2. 服务器在国内,更快更稳定。

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