
2013年07月05日14:07  沪江英语 微博   

  End your speech with an attitude, not a platitude。用一种有力的态度结束你的演讲,而不是用那些陈词滥调。

  Instead of firing off a perfunctory “thank you,” consider launching fireworks of final passionate thoughts from the podium. 演讲结束时,在讲台上让最后的激昂思绪迸发出火花,而不是用一句不痛不痒的“谢谢大家”来做结尾。

  With the flair of a fireworks finale, you’ll trigger spontaneous applause to a well-rehearsed, well-timed, and well-executed performance — a performance that reflects all the anticipation of a logger’s cry: Timbeerrrrrrrrrrr!当你如烟花般谢幕,你将激起的不止是观众的掌声,更是那种自发的却如同演练已久的群体表演——你预料之中的激烈喝彩!

  This article shows you how to close your speech with a bang.本文会告诉你如何让你的演讲在结束时获得巨大的反响。

  Leading speakers end their speeches like the opera star—on a high note, vocally and intellectually. Just as the comedian should leave ‘em laughing, the speaker should leave ‘em thinking. Last words linger. Last words crystallize your thoughts, galvanize your message, and mobilize your audience.优秀的演讲者会像一位歌剧明星一样结束他们的演讲——不管在语言上还是思想上都留下一个“高音”。正如喜剧演员在人们的笑声中退场,演讲者也应该在人们的思考中退场。最后的话仿佛余音绕梁,令人回味。最后的话升华了你的思想,激活了你传达的信息,并且调动起了观众。

  Study the following 10 templates and adapt your speech to end your speech with a bang:采用下面的10个例子,应用到你的演讲之中,让你在演讲的最后一鸣惊人:

  #1 – Bookend Close #1—好书结尾式结尾

  For a bookend speech closing, refer back to your opening anecdote or quote and say, “We have arrived, now, where we began。”这样的结尾是指重新回到演讲开始时引用的轶事或者话语,并且说道:“现在我们又回到了我们开始的地方。”

  #2 – Challenge Close #2—挑战式结尾

  Challenge your audience to apply what you have told them in the speech。挑战你的观众,让他们运用在你的演讲中学到的知识。

  #3 – Echo Close #3—回音式结尾

  Focus on one word in a quotation and emphasize that word to echo your final point。专注于你引用过的一个词,反复强调,来不断突出你最后的观点。

  #4 – Repetitive Close #4—重复式结尾

  Find a phrase and structure it in a repetitive format that strikes the cadence of a drummer, building to a crescendo ending of a motivational speech。使用排比句,使之听起来像鼓手打鼓那般有节奏感,使用渐次加强的语气来结束一场激动人心的演讲。

  #5 – Title Close #5—标题式结尾

  Give your speech a provocative title that encapsulates your message memorably. Then, use the title of your speech as your closing words to stir your audience to think more fully about what they just heard。给你的演讲取一个有煽动性的标题,因而使你传达的信息更加难忘。然后用此标题来作为你的结束语,引发观众对你刚刚的演讲内容更深刻的思考。

  #6 – Sing Song Close #6—歌唱式结尾

  Ask the audience to repeat a phrase that you used several times in your speech。请观众重复你在演讲中反复说过的一句话。

  #7 – Callback Close#7—回忆式结尾

  Refer back to a story you told where some activity was not fully completed. Then pick up the story and close it around your theme。重提你说过的一个不完整的故事,用它来切合你的主题,结束你的演讲。

  #8 – Movie Close#8—电影式结尾

  Make a reference to a well-known movie or book。参考一部著名的电影或书。

  #9 – Quotation Close#9—引用式结尾

  Use a famous quotation to harness the audience’s attention, much like turning on a spotlight。用一句名言吸引观众的注意,就如打开一盏聚光灯一般。

  #10 – Third Party Close10#—第三方式结尾

  Take the use of a quotation up a notch with the Third Party Close. Leverage the use of a quotation in context of your message. Use the premise of that quotation to frame your finale so that it serves as a launching pad to lift your message high for the audience to more fully appreciate。利用第三方式结尾来使用名言。通过你要传达的信息内容来衡量名言的用处。以那句名言为基础构造你的完美谢幕,让它成为你语言的发射台,让你说的话更好地被观众所接受。


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