
2013年07月12日11:04  沪江英语 微博   

  I'm sure many of you have experienced at least one disappointment in your life and may face more yet. It's OK to fail, but the key is to have a good attitude about it and to learn something from it. Here are some tips to help with the sting of failure:我想大多数的人都至少有过一次失落的体验,之后或许还会有类似的经历。失败没什么大不了,关键要拥有好心态并从失败中学到些什么。提供给大家一些如何应对失败之痛的小贴士:

  Accept it. Some people may feel denial after a disappointment. It's not very healthy to be in denial, because if you don't accept the situation for what it is, you can't take the next steps to move on. Take a deep breath, and come to terms with what happened。接受它。有些人或许会从失败中感到不被肯定的挫败情绪。陷于否定的情绪是不健康的,因为若无法接受现状,便不能顺利地迈出下一步。深呼吸,接受已经发生的事实。

  Don't be a sore loser. If someone else achieved what you wanted, don't start taking your frustrations out on them. Face your failure with grace, and people will respect you even more for it。不要做一个输不起的人。如果别人达成了你的目标,不要让你的懊恼和沮丧连累到他们。优雅地面对你的失败更能获得他人的尊重。

  Don't linger on it. It's good to figure out what you did wrong this time so you can do better in the future, but there is a fine line between being proactive about your mistake and harping on it. Once you realized what went wrong, or if you find that you just cannot figure it out, drop it and move on. It's better for your mental health if you focus on the future, rather than the past。不要对失败念念不忘。找出失败的原因争取下次做到更好,这是非常正确的想法。但是从失败中吸取教训和在失败中纠结是不同的。当意识到错误却无法找出原因时,放下它往前走。关注未来比关注过去更有益于精神健康。

  Reach out to friends and family. Your support network will help greatly during a tough time. Reach out to friends and family, and revel in the knowledge that you have loved ones who will stick by you through thick and thin。求助于朋友和家人。人际关系会在你遇到困难时起很大的作用。向家人和朋友求助,你就会知道不论你正经历着什么,他们都会是你坚强的后盾。

  Move forward. Even though your disappointment has got you down, there are still plenty of possibilities ahead for you. You might even be thankful later for the disappointment, as it may open up an opportunity that you had not previously considered。向前走。尽管失败把你打倒,未来还有很多可能等着你。今后的你可能会感谢今天的失败,因为它或许为你带来了一个你从未想过的机遇。


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