
2013年07月23日11:17  沪江英语 微博   
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康
十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康 十个小测试看看你的身体是否健康

  You may not need a gym membership if you can pass these everyday health tests. See how many you can answer "yes" to。如果你能通过下面这些每日健康测试,你也许就不需要办健身卡了。看看这10个问题你有多少能回答“是”。

  Do you: Feel energized 14 hours after waking up? (If you woke up at 7 a.m., you should still feel awake and active at 9 p.m。).你能否:起床后14小时依然感觉精力充沛?(如果你早晨7点起床,到了晚上9点你应该依然感觉清醒而且有活力。)

  Exercise is a known energy booster, and if you feel completely zonked at the end of the day, chances are an overly sedentary lifestyle is at least partly to blame. One large study, which analyzed 70 papers on exercise and fatigue that involved more than 6,800 people, found that sedentary people who followed a regular exercise program had less fatigue than people who didn’t work out, according to WebMD。锻炼是提升精力的好办法,如果你在一天结束时感到筋疲力尽,那么过于久坐的生活方式至少是元凶之一。美国健康信息服务公司WebMD进行的一份长达70页的大型调查,研究了超过6800人的运动和疲劳情况。调查表明,那些久坐的人如果进行规律锻炼,他们的疲劳感会比那些不锻炼的人要低。

  Can you: Carry large containers of milk or water in each hand, without feeling strain?你能否:两只手领着大罐牛奶或水,而且不觉得特别累?

  Being able to tote a gallon (which weighs about 8 pounds) isn’t just about the size of your biceps. That strength also comes from your shoulders, back, chest, knees, and more—all important muscle groups to keep strong as you get older. A lack of strength can make you more vulnerable to injury, as well as conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis and even depression and dementia. One Tufts University study found that after older adults with arthritis followed a strength training program for 16 weeks, their pain levels decreased by 43 percent。能够提起一加仑(大约8磅)的东西不仅仅和你二头肌的大小有关。用到的力量还来自于你的肩、背、胸、膝盖等地方,随着 你年龄的增长,要保持这些重要的肌肉群强壮。缺乏力量会让你更容易受伤,还更容易患关节炎,骨质疏松症,甚至是抑郁和痴呆。一项塔夫茨大学的研究表明,那 些患关节炎的中老年人进行16周的力量训练后,疼痛的水平会降低43%。

  Can you: Jump up and down 10 times, without causing your heart to race?你能否:上下跳跃10次,而心跳不会加速?

  This is a sign of a well-controlled heart rate (and good cardiovascular fitness). A gym class or workout routine that emphasizes interval training is a great way to boost your endurance and lower your resting heart rate. A lower resting pulse means your heart has to beat less—and should in turn last longer。这说明心率得到了很好的控制(而且心血管健康良好)。间歇训练的健身训练课或者系统的锻炼是提高你的耐力,降低静息心率 的好办法。较低的静息脉搏说明你的心脏跳动得更少,这样心脏就可以维持更久。

  Can you: Trim your toenails standing up—without any discomfort from the bending?你能否:站着给自己剪脚趾甲,而且不因为弯曲感到任何不适?

  Shocked at how inflexible you are? Well, let’s work on that. Being able to stretch without pain is important not only for bone and joint conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis, but it may also be a clue about other issues like heart health. One study in the American Journal of Physiology found that the inability to stretch past your toes was associated with arterial stiffness, a precursor to heart disease. Incorporate stretch-and-strength yoga-style exercises into your weekly workout regimen。很惊讶你原来这么僵硬吧?那么让我们来采取行动。可以弯曲身体而不感到疼痛,对于骨头和关节的健康,比如是否患上关节炎和骨质疏松很重要。不仅如此,这还暗示了其他的健康状况,比如心脏健康。美国生理学杂志上的一项研究表明,如果不能将身体弯曲超过你的脚尖,这和动脉硬 化密切相关,而这是心脏病的一种前兆。在你每周的锻炼计划中加入伸展的瑜伽式练习。

  Can you: Raise your foot as high as your hip when kicking?你能否:踢腿时将脚抬起和臀部一样高?

  Another example of flexibility and strength; if you have trouble with this exercise, yoga-style classes and moves that stretch your hips will help you improve。这是关于灵活性和力量的另一个测试。如果你做到这个有困难,瑜伽课程和伸展臀部的动作会帮助你改善。

  Can you: Twist and look behind you without moving your feet?你能否:不移动双脚就能转身回头看?

  This test demonstrates good core strength and flexibility; both keys for a strong, healthy, pain-free back。这个测试体现了好的身体中部的力量和灵活性;这两点对于强壮健康没有疼痛的背部都非常关键。

  Can you: Load your luggage into the storage bin above your airplane or train seat without strain?你能否:把行李放进飞机或火车上部的行李箱中而身体不感到紧张?

  This is partly about technique (you can’t just heave it up there) and partly about back, core, and leg strength. Many of us who focus our workouts around cardio—and skip spine-boosting exercises like yoga, Pilates, and strength training—will have weaker backs than we’d like。这一部分关系到技巧(你不能把行李扔进去),一部分关系到背部,身体中部以及腿部的力量。我们许多人之关注锻炼了心脏部分, 却忽略了保养脊柱的练习,比如瑜伽、普拉提还有力量训练。这样我们的背部力量就会比较弱。

  Can you: Carry a large basket of clothing up and down two staircases, without struggle or strain?你能否:搬着一大筐衣服上下两层楼,身体并不颤抖或紧张?

  This is a test of strength, cardiovascular endurance, and balance; climbing stairs requires more stamina and energy than walking the equivalent amount of steps. Unfortunately, today’s modern world of escalators and elevators provides few chances for stair climbing. If you fail this fitness test, try working more stair-climbing opportunities into your day. Walk up and down the steps in your home while on the phone, or opt to use the stairs in your office building or department stores or malls。这个测试和力量、心血管耐力以及平衡有关;爬楼梯比走同样多的路需要更多的耐力和能量。不幸的是,今天现代世界的自动扶梯 和电梯让我们没有多少机会爬楼梯。如果你不能通过这个健康测试,试着在日程中加入更多的爬楼练习。在家打电话时可以上下楼梯,或者在办公楼和商场里选择走 楼梯。

  Can you: Dance to a fast beat for more than 10 minutes without feeling winded?你能否:跳快节奏的舞10分钟以上,而且不会喘不过气?

  A growing body of research shows that you don’t need to endure continuous long workouts to reap health perks. In fact, short intense bursts of exercise (10 to 15 minutes) may burn more fat and build more muscle than an hour of chugging along on the treadmill. Try these 1-minute fat releasing moves to get started。一家研究机构称,你没有必要承受长时间的锻炼来获得健康。事实上,短暂但是高强度的锻炼(10-15分钟)也许比在跑 步机上狂跑1小时消耗更多脂肪,形成更多肌肉。从这些1分钟的减肥动作开始吧。

  Can you: Walk for 30 minutes straight without getting tired?你能否:连续步行30分钟不感到累?

  A daily walk of at least 20 minutes is linked to so many health boosts, you can’t even list them all here. But among the top include helping with weight loss and maintenance, boosting mood and energy levels, lowering blood sugar and blood pressure, and more。每天至少步行20分钟对健康大有益处,你甚至无法一一列举。最大的好处包括帮助减肥、维持体形、提升情绪和精力水平,降低血 糖血压等等。

  How did you do?你身体怎么样?

  For someone over the age of 45, you’re in pretty good physical shape if you can handle these mini-fitness tests. And if you can’t? Build up slowly with a mix of exercises that emphasize cardiovascular fitness, strength training, and flexibility, the trifecta of fitness skills needed for a long and healthy life。对于45岁以上的人来说,如果你能通过这些健康小测试,你的身体健康非常好。如果你不能呢?慢慢开始进行混合锻炼,重点关注心血管健康、力量训练和灵活性练习。这三点是健康长寿必需的健康要素。












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