日本女子跌落站台 众人推列车施救(双语)

2013年07月23日16:00  沪江英语 微博   
日本女子跌落站台 众人推列车施救 日本女子跌落站台 众人推列车施救
日本女子跌落站台 众人推列车施救 日本女子跌落站台 众人推列车施救

  Japanese commuters teamed up to heave a 32-ton train carriage away from the platform to free a woman who had fallen between the train and the platform at rush hour。上班高峰时间,为了解救一名掉落在电车与站台间缝隙里的女士,日本乘客们齐心协力,把32吨重的列车车厢从站台边推开。

  In a nightmarish scenario, the woman, who is in her 30s, slipped and fell into the eight-inch gap between the carriage and the platform edge at the busy JR Minami-Urawa station north of Tokyo。这惊险的一幕发生在日本埼玉市南区的JR南浦和站京浜东北线站台,当时正值上班高峰,这名30多岁的女子不慎滑倒,跌进电车与站台之间8英寸深的缝隙里。

  But she escaped unscathed after around 40 commuters joined forces with officials to push the train carriage - which has a suspension system allowing it to lean to either side - away from the platform, allowing the woman to be pulled out。所幸这名女子并无大碍,大约40名乘客一起协助站台乘务人员侧推电车,使列车倾斜到远离站台的另一侧,最终把该女子救出。

  The commuters' heroic effort was captured on camera by a newspaper photographer who was in the station at the time, and the resulting photo was published in Japan's largest daily newspaper, the Yomiuri。乘客们的英勇壮举恰巧被一位报社的摄影师用相机抓拍到了,他当时就在车站内,而且这张照片还被刊登在了日本最大的报刊《读卖新闻》上。


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