
2013年07月30日15:06  沪江英语 微博   

  The third season of Homeland has thus far been kept so under wraps, fans can only speculate as to what events will unfold。关于《国土安全》第三季的消息一直处在保密状态,粉丝们只能自己猜测剧情将如何发展。

  Now, a first teaser promo for season three has been released, and it certainly does what it says on the tin by whetting appetites while giving very little away。日前该剧发布了第三季的首支预告,虽然预告片中并没有放出多少内容信息,但绝对会勾起剧迷们的兴趣。

  However Homeland addicts can rest assured that Agent Brody will be back, as evidenced in the promo which is simply an audio clip of various sound bites。不过剧迷们可以放心的是,男主角Brody会回归,预告片中的各种声音中就有他的声音。

  And his on/off love interest Carrie, played by Claire Danes, is apparently looking for him, as Brody’s voice says: ‘Does Carrie know I'm here?’而和Brody有感情纠葛的女主角Carrie(由Claire Danes扮演)则显然是在找他,因为能听到Brody的声音在说:“Carrie知道我在这里吗?”

  His distinctive tone also utters: ‘I'm almost here,’ as well as ‘I need my passport,’ and ‘I just need to get my strength back.’Brody非常有辨识度的声音还在诉说着:“我快到了” “我要我的护照” “我得恢复下体力” 等。

  The promo indicates that the government are still looking for Brody and an unidentified voice claims: ‘We don't know where he is.’预告片中还说明政府也在寻找Brody,因为有一个无法识别的声音在说:“我们不知道他在哪里。”




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