Proving that the sharing economy has no boundaries, a new appwill soon let users share their leftover dinner with strangers.Seriously。
Launching at the end of July, LeftoverSwap will allow users toupload a photo and description of their pad thai, pizza or pho andconnect them with hungry neighbors nearby。
But while the idea may sound a bit crazy, it might actually becontributing to the greater good: LeftoverSwap will start as adonation-only model。
"If you get a good meal and you want to pay it forward, youcan," founder Dan Newman told The Huffington Post。
Newman said that, while a payment model could be a possibilityin the future, the app could also be more philanthropic innature。
"There is hunger in the United States," said Newman. "Do thosepeople have iPhones? Maybe not. But we're hoping to test this withiOS and potentially reach out to other platforms."
"As long as there's another user near you," said Newman,"Anyone can join."