
2013年08月07日14:58  沪江英语 微博   


盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市
盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市
盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市
盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市
盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市
盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市
盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市
盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市
盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市
盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市 盘点全世界十大最昂贵城市

   Number 10. Sydney第10 悉尼

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $2,551月租金(豪华公寓):2551美元

  International newspaper: $6.20国际报纸:6.2美元

  Cup of coffee: $5.16咖啡(每杯):5.16美元

  Gas (per liter): $1.51汽油(每升):1.51美元

  A tight housing market has made Sydney an extremely expensive place for anyone to live. Few vacancies have driven rental prices higher, with the average rent on a luxury two-bedroom hitting more than $2,500 a month。紧绷的房产市场让悉尼对所有人来说都成为了一个无比昂贵的居住地。因为少有空房,使得租金越来越高,一套两居室的豪华公寓的平均月租金超过了2500美元。

  Prices for other goods aren't cheap either: Want a burger and a soda? That will cost you more than $9. A trip to the movies for two? Close to $40 -- and that's without popcorn。其他商品的价格也不便宜:想要一个汉堡加一杯汽水?你要掏9美元以上。两个人去看场电影?将近40美元——这还不包括爆米花。

  Number 9. Bern, Switzerland第9 伯尔尼(瑞士)

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $2,687月租金(豪华公寓):2687美元

  International newspaper: $4.35国际报纸:4.35美元

  Cup of coffee: $4.35咖啡(每杯):4.35美元

  Gas (per liter): $2.02汽油(每升):2.02美元

  Even though Switzerland has experienced some deflation over the past couple of years, prices for everything from milk to movie tickets are still staggeringly high. The average cost for a fast food hamburger meal in Bern is $12.51 and a pair of blue jeans will cost an average $138.虽然瑞士在过去的几年里经历了通货紧缩,但从牛奶到电影票,这里的物价依然居高不下。伯尔尼一顿汉堡快餐的平均花费是12.51美元,一条牛仔裤平均138美元。

  For Americans, the prices are made all the more cumbersome due to an unfavorable exchange rate。对美国人来说,由于汇率不划算,这里的价格更加让人难以接受。

  Number 8. Zurich第8 苏黎世

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $3,915月租金(豪华公寓):3915美元

  International newspaper: $4.35国际报纸:4.35美元

  Cup of coffee: $5.98咖啡(每杯):5.98美元

  Gas (per liter): $2.02汽油(每升):2.02美元

  One of the world's major financial centers, nearly one-quarter of the city's residents work at banks and investment firms. In fact, wealth and security are a way of life here. The unemployment rate is a super low 3.1%。苏黎世是世界主要金融中心之一,该市将近1/4的居民都在银行和投资公司工作。事实上,财富和证券就是这里的一种生活方式。失业率极低只有3.1%。

  Yet, nothing comes cheap. A club sandwich will cost $30.45 (one of the most expensive club sandwiches in the world) and coffee rings in around $6 a cup, according to Mercer。然而什么都是有代价的。根据美世咨询的数据,一份公司三明治售价30.45美元(是世界上最贵的公司三明治之一),咖啡一杯大约6美元。

  Number 7. Geneva, Switzerland第7 日内瓦(瑞士)

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $4,350月租金(豪华公寓):4350美元

  International newspaper: $4.35国际报纸:4.35美元

  Cup of coffee: $6.52咖啡(每杯):6.52美元

  Gas (per liter): $2.02汽油(每升):2.02美元

  One of three Swiss cities to make Mercer's list, Geneva offers many luxurious, well-crafted goods, as well as many everyday ones -- almost all of which will cost Americans handsomely。美世榜单上的另一个瑞士城市是日内瓦。这里有许多奢侈品,精美的手工艺品,也有很多日常用品,这些都能让美国人大[微博]放血。

  Part of the reason is an unfavorable exchange rate. The Swiss franc is more robust than the U.S. dollar. Tickets to the movies will cost an average of $18.50 apiece and a hamburger meal at a fast food joint will put you back about $12.50, according to Mercer。其中一个原因是汇率不划算。瑞士法郎比美元更加强劲。根据美世咨询的数据,一张电影票平均18.5美元,快餐厅的汉堡餐大约12.5美元。

  Number 6. Hong Kong第6 香港

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $7,092月租金(豪华公寓):7092美元

  International newspaper: $3.87国际报纸:3.87美元

  Cup of coffee: $5.67咖啡(每杯):5.67美元

  Gas (per liter): $2.23汽油(每升):2.23美元

  Hong Kong's rental market is exploding. Home prices have climbed significantly and potential buyers are having such a hard time securing financing that they are turning to rental homes instead, according to Mercer's Miriam Siscovick。香港的房地产市场正在迅速膨胀。美世咨询的Miriam Siscovick说,香港的房价大幅上涨,潜在的买家想要稳固资产非常困难,因此他们转而选择租房。

  While a luxury two-bedroom averages a little more than $7,000 a month, Mercer found that luxury three-bedroom apartments can go for more than $13,500 a month。一套两居室的豪华公寓平均月租7000美元多一点,而一套三居室的豪华公寓月租可以高达13500美元以上。

  Number 5. Singapore第5 新加坡

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $3,795月租金(豪华公寓):3795美元

  International newspaper: $3.63国际报纸:3.63美元

  Cup of coffee: $4.84咖啡(每杯):4.84美元

  Gas (per liter): $1.76汽油(每升):1.76美元

  One of the fastest growing economies in the world, Singapore's per capita income is also one of the highest -- at $51,709. But thanks to a history of high inflation and taxes, residents still pay top dollar for goods and services。作为世界上发展最快的经济体之一,新加坡的人均收入也位居前列,达到了51709美元。但由于一段时期的高通胀和高税收,商品和服务的价格依然很高。

  When eating at a restaurant in Singapore, for example, be prepared to fork over a 7% goods and services tax and pay a 10% service charge, according to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore。比如要在新加坡的餐厅吃饭,根据新加坡国税局的规定,要做好准备支付7%的商品服务税和10%的服务费。

  Number 4. N'Djamena, Chad第4 恩贾梅纳(非洲国家乍得)

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $2,245月租金(豪华公寓):2245美元

  International newspaper: $6.94国际报纸:6.94美元

  Cup of coffee: $3.06咖啡(每杯):3.06美元

  Gas (per liter): $0.98汽油(每升):0.98美元

  Just getting to N'Djamena is expensive. A round-trip flight from New York's JFK airport to this central African city costs at least $2,500, on Travelocity。你要明白,恩贾梅纳也是个昂贵的城市。根据速旅公司的报价,从纽约肯尼迪国际机场飞往这个中部非洲城市的往返机票至少需要2500美元。

  Once you get there, things don't get much cheaper. Order a club sandwich and a soda in Chad's capital city and it will easily cost you $25 or more, according to Mercer's report. Grab the daily paper and it will cost close to $7.一旦到达,这里的东西根本不会便宜到哪里去。根据美世咨询的报告,在这个乍得的首都城市购买一份公司三明治和一杯汽水至少要花你25美元。一份日报售价将近7美元。

  Number 3. Tokyo第3 东京

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $4,513月租金(豪华公寓):4513美元

  International newspaper: $5.37国际报纸:5.37美元

  Cup of coffee: $6.98咖啡(每杯):6.98美元

  Gas (per liter): $1.74汽油(每升):1.74美元

  Home to 13.2 million people, Tokyo is one of the most densely-populated cities in the world -- and that means real estate comes at a premium. Rents here are among some of the most expensive on the planet, with luxury two-bedroom apartments going for an average of $4,500 a month, according to Mercer。东京人口有1320万,是世界上人口密度最大的城市之一,这就意味着这里的房产价格非常昂贵。这里的房租是世界上最贵的之一,根据美世咨询的数据,一套两居室的豪华公寓平均月租金为4500美元。

  Number 2. Moscow第2 莫斯科

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $4,600月租金(豪华公寓):4600美元

  International newspaper: $9.95国际报纸:9.95美元

  Cup of coffee: $8.29咖啡(每杯):8.29美元

  Gas (per liter): $1.04汽油(每升):1.04美元

  Rental apartments in Moscow can make Manhattan's prices look cheap, with unfurnished luxury two-bedrooms averaging $4,600 a month. And the imported goods and services that expats commonly want also command a premium. A gallon of milk costs an average of $7.59. Even a cup of coffee -- averaging more than $8 -- doesn't come cheap。和莫斯科的房租相比,曼哈顿的就显得便宜了。一套不带家具的两居室豪华公寓平均月租金为4600美元。非常普遍的进口商品和服务也要价不菲。一加仑牛奶平均7.59美元。甚至一杯咖啡平均也超过了8美元,一点也不便宜。

  And the most expensive city in the world..。.那么世界上最昂贵的城市是……

  Number 1. Luanda, Angola第1 罗安达 (安哥拉)

  Monthly rent (luxury apt。): $6,500月租金(豪华公寓):6500美元

  International newspaper: $5.42国际报纸:5.42美元

  Cup of coffee: $3.88咖啡(每杯):3.88美元

  Gas (per liter): $0.63汽油(每升):0.63美元

  Oil has brought this southern African country vast riches, but high taxes and internal strife keep prices extremely high。石油给这个南部非洲国家带来了巨大的财富,但高税收和内乱让物价居高不下。

  For Americans who come to work here, everything can cost top dollar. A pair of blue jeans will cost an average $204, according to consulting firm Mercer's annual survey。对于那些在这里工作的美国人来说,这里的一切都非常昂贵。根据美世咨询的年度调查,一条牛仔裤平均204美元。

  Such sky-high prices have created a big chasm between the haves and have-nots, with 40.5% of the population living in poverty according to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA。)如此高昂的价格让贫富差距显著扩大,根据美国中央情报局的数据,这里40.5%的人生活在贫困当中。

  One thing that is relatively cheap here: gas, at an average of 63 cents a liter. But you'll still pay a high price to take a taxi。这里有一样东西相对便宜,那就是汽油,平均每升63美分。但乘坐出租车的费用依然很高。











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