妻与狗落水 南非男子毫不犹豫先救狗(双语)

2013年08月08日10:51  沪江英语 微博   
妻子与狗落水 男子毫不犹豫先救狗 妻子与狗落水 男子毫不犹豫先救狗
妻子与狗落水 男子毫不犹豫先救狗 妻子与狗落水 男子毫不犹豫先救狗

  When you hear about a man saving his dog from a sinking ship, it’s hard to not be moved by the tale of an animal lover’s heroism. But the story becomes slightly less heroic when you learn that the man saved his dog before his own wife。当你听到一个男人从沉船里救出自己的狗,你肯定会很感动,觉得这位动物爱好者非常英勇。但我们这个故事里的男士就显得没那么英勇了:因为他是先救的狗再救的自己老婆。

  But that’s apparently what happened when Graham Anley and his wife, Cheryl, found their yacht sinking after it hit a reef Aug. 4 while on a voyage from East London to Madagascar。故事是这样发生的:8月4日,格雷厄姆和他的妻子谢丽尔驾驶游艇从南非东伦敦前往马达加斯加岛,但他们的旅行却遭遇事故:游艇撞上暗礁眼看就要沉下去了。

  National Sea Rescue Institute North London station commander Geoff McGregor said all three were wearing life jackets. The 9-year-old Jack Russell terrier named Rosie was wearing a tailored life jacket equipped with a strobe light beacon。参与救援的全国海难救助会北伦敦站指挥官杰夫-麦格雷戈表示,当时这对夫妻外加狗狗都穿着救生衣。他们家的宠物狗名叫罗西,是一只9岁的杰克罗素梗犬。 罗西当时身上穿着特别定制的救生衣,配有闪光灯信号。

  "As the incident happened Graham sent a radio distress call and activated the EPIRB (a GPS beacon) but they were immediately forced to abandon ship," McGregor said in an interview。麦格雷戈在接受采访时表示:“事故发生后,格雷厄姆立刻发出遇险无线电求救信号,启动了应急无线电示位标,但他们立刻需要弃船逃生。” 

  "He first swam Rosie ashore safely before returning for his wife, whose safety line had snagged on the steering gear," McGregor added. The couple and their dog all made it out free of injury。麦格雷戈补充说:“他先抱着罗西游到岸边,确认它安全后才回到妻子身边。当时他妻子的保险绳被勾在了船舵上。” 这对夫妇和他们的宠物狗都没有受伤。

  Graham, a longtime volunteer with the National Sea Rescue Institute, said it was "humbling to have the shoe on the other foot and need to be rescued."麦格雷戈长期在全国海难救助会做志愿者,他表示:“情况完全不同,(以前是志愿者)现在自己却需要别人来营救,觉得真难为情。”

  Some details have yet to emerge. So, it's likely that Cheryl was in a position of relative safety and Rosie might have been in a more perilous position had she been left on the boat. The couple did not want to speak with the media about their rescue。事件细节还有待调查。所以当时的情况很可能是谢丽尔当时的位置可能相对比较安全,罗西的情况比较危险,所以麦格雷戈才会做出先救狗而把妻子留下的决定。这对夫妇目前不想对媒体就此次营救发声。



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