
2013年08月29日10:24  沪江英语 微博   
Lying about where all your money goes。骗自己钱的流向。 Lying about where all your money goes。骗自己钱的流向。
Risking your vacation by eating authentic street food。度假时冒险去吃正宗路边摊。 Risking your vacation by eating authentic street food。度假时冒险去吃正宗路边摊。
Waiting in line, seemingly forever, just to try the “newest thing。”排着似乎永远也轮不到自己的长队,只是为了尝尝“最新推荐”。 Waiting in line, seemingly forever, just to try the “newest thing。”排着似乎永远也轮不到自己的长队,只是为了尝尝“最新推荐”。
Not understanding people who think seafood is gross。不理解为什么有些人觉得海鲜恶心。 Not understanding people who think seafood is gross。不理解为什么有些人觉得海鲜恶心。
Not throttling people when they say plebian things, like “cilantro tastes like soap.” 当人们说出“香菜尝起来像肥皂”一类的肤浅评论时,就有一股抑制不住想要掐死他的冲动。 Not throttling people when they say plebian things, like “cilantro tastes like soap.” 当人们说出“香菜尝起来像肥皂”一类的肤浅评论时,就有一股抑制不住想要掐死他的冲动。
Realizing you are eating something awesome that you probably will never eat again. 当你意识到以后你可能再也吃不到这么好吃的东西时。 Realizing you are eating something awesome that you probably will never eat again. 当你意识到以后你可能再也吃不到这么好吃的东西时。
Planning your trips around the business hours of restaurants. 你会盘算着在工作时间到餐馆小憩试吃。 Planning your trips around the business hours of restaurants. 你会盘算着在工作时间到餐馆小憩试吃。
Feeling obligated to try the food from every food truck you see. 吃遍所有视线所及的移动餐车,并将其视为己任。 Feeling obligated to try the food from every food truck you see. 吃遍所有视线所及的移动餐车,并将其视为己任。
Fighting the urge to consistently watch food porn. 必须时刻抵制想去看美食影片的诱惑。 Fighting the urge to consistently watch food porn. 必须时刻抵制想去看美食影片的诱惑。

  1. The neverending need to try new foods。生命不息,试吃不止。

  It’s like being a drug addict, but instead of booze and crack it’s crackers and anchovies。你就像个瘾君子一样,但惹你上瘾的不是酒精或毒品,而是小饼干和凤尾鱼。

  2. The overwhelming need to order something different every time you eat out。每次出去吃都一定要点些不同的食物

  No matter if it’s McDonald’s or Le Bernardin, you will never on any occasion order the same thing twice。不管是在麦当劳还是伯纳丁餐厅,无论如何你都不会点两次相同的食物。

  3. Not being able to order the same thing someone at your tabled ordered, because that would be insane。不能点同一桌客人点过的东西,因为这样做和精神病人没区别。

  You were going to get the duck, but since Janet decided to “get something exotic” you’re stuck ordering the shrimp. You hate Janet。你准备点只鸭子,但那时简内特决定要些“异域特色”,所以你改成吃虾。并从此以后讨厌简内特。

  4. Lying about where all your money goes。骗自己钱的流向。

  You know where it goes; to $200 dinners, that’s where。但你知道钱究竟花在什么地方了:200美元一顿的晚餐。

  5. Risking your vacation by eating authentic street food。度假时冒险去吃正宗路边摊。

  “What is that? Goat? No. Is it meat? Ah, screw it! Give me one and make it spicy。” — You, before you spend the whole next day on the toilet。“那是什么东西?山羊肉?不是。是肉吗?啊,管那么多干嘛,给我一块,要多加辣的。”——然后就等着第二天在厕所里蹲一天吧。

  6. Being called a “foodie” from people who think they’re trying to be cute。有些想对你表示友好的人会管你叫“吃货”。

  “I bet you’ll love this place, you foodie. It has weird things on the menu。”“我打赌你这吃货肯定喜欢这里,他们菜单上有好多稀奇古怪的东西。”

  7. Waiting in line, seemingly forever, just to try the “newest thing。”排着似乎永远也轮不到自己的长队,只是为了尝尝“最新推荐”。

  Whether it’s a restaurant or food truck, newbie or classic, you will wait in line. There’s a 90% chance the food will suck, but that 10% …不管是在餐厅里还是在移动餐车上,不管是新式创意还是古典传统,你都会挤紧那条队伍中。一般90%的情况下排到的东西都很难吃,但为了另外的10%还是值得等待的。

  8. Driving hours to try the “best taco you’ve ever tasted。”不惜开车几小时,只为吃到“最好吃的墨西哥玉米卷”

  Was it the best taco? Meh. Was it worth the journey? You betcha。那是最好吃的玉米卷吗?嗯,大概吧。值得大老远跑一趟吗?那还用问!

  9. Not understanding people who think seafood is gross。不理解为什么有些人觉得海鲜恶心。

  Being allergic I get, but thinking it’s “icky” … not so much。要是因为他们对海鲜过敏还值得理解,但是认为海鲜恶心的,就很让人费解了……

  10. When friends give you a hard time for ordering something simple。一起点餐时你朋友给你出难题:“点些简单的就成”。

  “Yeah, I got a scoop of vanilla. What of it?!”“好吧,我这儿点一勺香草,够简单不?”

  11. Not throttling people when they say plebian things, like “cilantro tastes like soap。”当人们说出“香菜尝起来像肥皂”一类的肤浅评论时,就有一股抑制不住想要掐死他的冲动。

  Almost as frustrating as people not knowing that coriander and cilantro are the SAME EFFING THING!大概很多人都不知道,香菜和芫荽就是一种东西!

  12. Getting jealous when you see what the guy at the table next to you ordered。看到邻桌点的东西后你会嫉妒。

  “I knew I should have gotten the halibut!”我早就知道我应该点那条大比目鱼。

  13. Realizing you are eating something awesome that you probably will never eat again。当你意识到以后你可能再也吃不到这么好吃的东西时。

  You know you’re never going to be in Bruges again, so just try to enjoy the meal while you can。你知道你以后再也不会来布鲁日了(比利时西部城市),所以好好珍惜眼前的美食吧。

  14. Constantly searching for the perfect “crunch” or “acid” factor in a dish。不断探求一道菜中最适宜的“脆度”和“酸度”。

  You’ve never found it, and you probably never will。你从没找到答案,估计以后也找不到。

  15. Planning your trips around the business hours of restaurants。你会盘算着在工作时间到餐馆小憩试吃。

  “They’re only open from 11am – 1pm Mondays and Wednesdays. If we leave at 10 then …”“他们只在周一和周三上午11点到下午1点营业,所以如果我们10点翘班……”

  16. Feeling obligated to try the food from every food truck you see。吃遍所有视线所及的移动餐车,并将其视为己任。

  Indian-style dumplings? Korean sauerkraut? Count me in!印度风味水饺?韩国泡菜?算我一份!

  17. Fighting the urge to consistently watch food porn。必须时刻抵制想去看美食影片的诱惑。

  Whether it be Anderw Zimmern’s Bizzare Foods, or any plethora of food documentaries, you will always stop whatever you are doing to watch。不管是安德鲁·席默的《古怪食物》,还是其它种类繁多的美食纪录片,你一直都想着停下手里的活儿去看视频。

  18. Facing the fact that you will never be satisfied。事实是你从来都不会吃饱。

  Ugh. Now I’m hungry. Again。呃,现在我又饿了。



















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