Titian(提香):If the images have a dark background and everyone has tortured expressions on their faces, it's Titian. 如果画面背景色阴暗,画面人面部表情都非常扭曲,那一定是提香。
Peter Paul Rubens(彼得·保罗·鲁本斯)If everyone in the paintings has enormous asses, then it's Rubens. 如果画中人屁股都超大,那就是鲁本斯的了。
Amerighi da Caravaggio(卡拉瓦乔)If all the men look like cow-eyed curly-haired women, it's Caravaggio. 如果画中的男人看起来都很像是瞪着牛眼留着卷发的女人,那就是卡拉瓦乔
Pieter Bruegel(彼得·勃鲁盖尔)If the paintings have tons of little people in them but otherwise seem normal, it's Bruegel. 如果画里密密麻麻都是小人,但看起来都还蛮正常的,那应该是勃鲁盖尔。
Hieronymus Bosch (耶罗尼米斯·波希) If the paintings have lots of little people in them but also have a ton of crazy bullshit, it's Bosch. 如果画里除了一堆小人,还有一堆稀奇古怪乱七八糟的东西,那就是波希了。
Rembrandt van Rijn(伦布兰特)If everyone looks like hobos illuminated only by a dim streetlamp, it's Rembrandt. 如果每个人都看起来像是一盏小路灯下的流浪汉,那是伦布兰特没错了。
Francois Boucher(弗朗索瓦·布歇)If the painting could easily have a few chubby Cupids or sheep added, it's Boucher. 如果画里很容易能看到一些胖嘟嘟的丘比特和绵羊,那应该是布歇。
Michelangelo(米开朗基罗)If everyone is beautiful, naked, and stacked, it's Michelangelo. 如果画中人都很美丽,都是裸体,身材丰满匀称,那一定是米开朗基罗。
Edgar Degas(埃德加·德加) If you see a ballerina, it's Degas. 如果看到有跳芭蕾舞的,应该是德加的。
El Greco(格列柯)If everything is highly-contrasted and sharp, sort of bluish, and everyone has gaunt bearded faces, it's El Greco. 如果画中颜色对比强烈明显,带着种蓝色,每个人都留着颓废憔悴的大胡子,那是格列柯没错了。
Jan van Eyck(范艾克)If everyone - including the women - looks like Putin, then it's van Eyck. 如果画中人都长得像普京,连女人也不例外,那绝对是范艾克了。