1. 纵向维度:构词法
英语作为印欧语系的分支,源自古英语、中古英语与德语,下层民众多用;北欧语对英语的影响,始自维京人(Vikings)的入侵,1066年诺曼征服后,引入法语,而法语承袭了拉丁语、希腊语的影响,是为Anglo-Norman language,上层人士多用。因此英语词源,延伸状如鹤爪(pedigree),而以拉丁语为其主要渊源。
公元600—1500年间,古典拉丁文过渡为晚期拉丁语,这是当时欧洲各种语言的“文言文”。本书的词根,泰半基于此一时期的拉丁文。当时欧洲通用的口头方言,是罗曼语(Roman),逐步分支为今天的法文、西班牙文、意大利文。统称罗曼语系(Romance languages)。英语的拉丁词根数以千计,但本书择其要者,列386目。
to enchant (enchanted, enchanting, enchantment) to attract somebody strongly and make them feel very excited 使着迷,使陶醉
词根【C-4】chant ← cantāre → to sing repetitively 回环吟唱
[Tip] enchant ← sing in:吟唱。唱什么?古罗马时期,反复吟唱的是一种magic formula,带有魔法的歌词,以降福辟邪。现代语境中,转义为营造令人如痴如醉、心荡神迷、犹如魔幻效果的浪漫氛围。
a) Falling in love is like a kind of enchantment. (being placed under a spell, being hypnotized, mesmerized)
坠入情网犹如受到魔法的魅惑。【C-4, 提示】
b) J. K. Rowling’s Harry Porter has enchanted the juvenile readers on five continents. (attract, cast a spell on, appeal to, fascinate)
五大洲的少年读者读了J·K·罗琳的《哈里·波特》为之倾倒。【C-4, Ex. 2】
c) On a summer evening it is enchanting to hear the wailing of a saxophone floating across the campus. (enthralling, fascinating, entrancing, captivating)
夏夜,听到一串如泣如诉的萨克斯管音符飘荡在校园里,心都醉了。【C-4, Ex. 3】
d) At the enchanted metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes。
(enthralled, entrancing, enrapturing, spellbound)
e) The football fans were enchanted by the wonderful goal。 (greatly delighted,excited)
足球迷们为这一精彩的进球而雀跃若狂。【C-4, Ex.6】
f) Enchanted with quick success as well as high-tech’s flux, bachelors aren't seeking long-term relationships very often。(charmed, lured by, enthralled, fascinated, excited)
单身男士过分沉溺于事业的速成和高科技的日新月异,往往不忙于寻求天长地久的感情关系了。【C-4, Ex.6】
g) Western banks and hedge funds used Asia, particularly China, as an enchanted pool of money。(with a spell cast on, bewitched)
西方的银行和对冲基金将亚洲,尤其是中国,视作具有魔力的金库。【C-4, Ex.7】
(1)abrasive ← ab- (off) + rādere (to scrape) → to scrape off or wear away by friction 不停地摩擦刮削,引起损耗 → causing irritation 导致烦躁→ rude and unkind, acting in a way that may hurt other people’s feelings 生硬粗暴的,伤人感情的 【链接 R-1】
例:The couple’s fragile relationship was worn thin with years of marital abrasion.
他俩脆弱的感情关系由于婚后的长年龃龉,难乎为继了。【F-16, Ex.6】
(2) erode ← e-(out)+ rōdere(to gnaw咬, 啮 — more at rodent啮齿目动物,如鼠)→ to diminish or destroy by degrees 逐步侵蚀
例:Corruption will eventually erode the legitimacy of any government。
腐败最终会削弱任何政府的合法性。【R-12, Ex.7】
两个词,abrasion, erode, 表面上看,互不相干。词根上看,却都源自rodent,一种啮齿目动物,如鼠;此类动物的牙齿不停地咬啮、摩擦,生动地喻指eat away, wear away, ravage, spoil, disintegrate;持续损耗侵蚀,势必引起心理烦躁,伤害感情,隐伏危机。
conceive ← com- (jointly) + capere (to take, to seize 捕获)
a) to seize → to have an impression, to think 构思;conception → idea观点。
例:He could never conceive of such a thing happening to himself。
b) to seize → to be pregnant → 怀孕;conception妊娠。
例:Personally, I felt nervous about trying to conceive after 35 and wound up having my son just three weeks shy of that milestone。
都说三十五岁是个坎,我本人就很担心此后才怀孕,结果是此前三周,总算怀 上了我的儿子。
“构思”和“怀孕”的公分母就是词根capere → (for mind)to seize 捕获(闪现的灵感) → 构思;(for sperms)to seize an egg (精子)捕获(卵母细胞) → 怀孕。
[Tip] 加上前缀contra- → contraception n. → contra- (against) + capere (to seize) → 避孕;contraceptive pill → pill against pregnancy → 避孕药。
rage ← rabiēs = madness;rabere = to be mad从而衍生出多项词义:
→ violent and uncontrolled anger 狂怒
→ angry and violent behavior 狂暴行为
→ a fad pursued with intense enthusiasm 风靡一时的时尚
→ a very exciting and entertaining event 狂欢
如果添加词缀out-, 就衍生出outrageous 骇人听闻的,难以容忍的。
在这些例句中,rage的词义变化多端,但万变不离其宗,那就是rabies ← madness → to be crazy or irrational, without self-restraint (狂热,非理性,不能自我克制)。这是该族的公分母。【链接R-3】
a) He flies into a rage every time his daughter flunks her exams。
(violent anger, wrath, frenzy, indignation, fury, choler, vehemence, temper)
b) A blizzard raged across the area for more than a week。
(continues strongly,go at full steam,go at full blast)
c) Short dresses and long boots were all the rage last year。
(fashion, vogue, mode, craze, mania, fad, cult, the “in” thing)
d) Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable,attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the time。
(brutal, grossly offensive, shocking, scandalous, exasperating)