Football players of Guangzhou Evergrande celebrate their winning of the AFC Champions League against South Korea's FC Seoul atTianhe stadium in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou Nov 9, 2013. 广州恒大队球员庆祝夺冠。
Football players of Guangzhou Evergrande react after they win their first AFC Champions League against South Korea's FC Seoul atTianhe stadium in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou Nov 9, 2013. Guangzhou Evergrande became the first Chinese winners of theAFC Champions League when they drew 1-1 with FC Seoul in the second leg on Saturday to prevail on away goals after a 3-3 aggregatetie. 2013赛季亚冠联赛决赛次回合在广州天河体育场展开争夺,广州恒大迎战韩国首尔FC队。最终广州恒大队在主场1:1战平首尔FC队,由于双方首回合交手,恒大客场2:2战平首尔,两回合后恒大凭借客场进球多的优势夺得亚冠冠军,这也是中国足球职业化之后中国足球俱乐部在亚冠赛场上的首次夺冠。
Elkeson De Oliveira Cardoso of China's Guangzhou Evergrande celebrates after scoring a goal against South Korea's FC Seoul duringtheir final match of the AFC Champions League at Tianhe stadium in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou Nov 9, 2013. 在亚冠联赛最后一场与韩国首尔FC的的较量中,广州恒大队员Elkeson De Oliveira Cardoso在庆祝成功射进的一球。
Elkeson De Oliveira Cardoso of China's Guangzhou Evergrande celebrates with teammate Luiz Da Conceicao Silva after scoring a goalagainst South Korea's FC Seoul during their final match of the AFC Champions League at Tianhe stadium in the southern Chinese city ofGuangzhou November 9, 2013. 在亚冠联赛最后一场与韩国首尔FC的的较量中,恒大队员Elkeson De Oliveira Cardoso和队友Luiz Da在庆祝他们进的最后一球。
Muriqui (1st, R) of Guangzhou Evergrande plays during the 2013 AFC Champions League final between Guangzhou Evergrande and FCSeoul in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong province, on Nov 9, 2013. 2013赛季亚冠联赛决赛次回合在广州天河体育场展开争夺,广州恒大迎战韩国首尔FC队。
Elkeson, C, fights for the ball during the 2013 AFC Champions League final between Guangzhou Evergrande and FC Seoul in Guangzhou,South China's Guangdong province, on Nov 9, 2013. 埃尔克森脚后跟卸下皮球后,长驱直入晃开首尔FC的最后一名防守球员,随后面对金龙大轻松将球送入死角,恒大打破僵局,1:0。
The 2013 AFC Champions League final between Guangzhou Evergrande and FC Seoul is held in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdongprovince, on Nov 9, 2013. 11月9日20:00,2013赛季亚冠联赛决赛次回合在广州天河体育场展开争夺,广州恒大迎战韩国首尔FC队。
Marcello Lippi, coach of China's Guangzhou Evergrande, is seen during the 2013 AFC Champions League final between GuangzhouEvergrande and FC Seoul is held in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong province, on Nov 9, 2013. 2013赛季亚冠联赛决赛次回合在广州天河体育场展开争夺,广州恒大迎战韩国首尔FC队,恒大教练里皮在凝神观战。
Football players of Guangzhou Evergrande toss up their Italian coach Marcello Lippi to celebrate the winning of the AFC ChampionsLeague against South Korea's FC Seoul at Tianhe stadium in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou Nov 9, 2013. 广州恒大队球员庆祝夺冠,将主教练里皮高高举起。