
2013年12月01日09:53  国际在线 微博   

  如果要问什么是世界难题?估计大部分人的第一反应会是巴以问题、朝韩问题、非洲儿童食物短缺等新闻关键词。而调查显示,腐国 英国人民考虑问题要实(qi)在(pa)得多……根据英国报纸Daily Mail的反馈,英国人日常生活中常常被以下25种情况惹毛:

  TOP 25 WORST FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS发达国家人民眼中的前25大难题(括号内纯属小编吐槽,请忽略……)

  1. It's boiling hot outside but freezing in the air conditioned office1. 外面热到死、办公室里冷气又冻到死(这是要上演《冰与火之歌》的节奏吗啊喂!?

  2. My personal trainer took the week off so I have to work out alone2. (老娘都胖成这样了)我的健身教练还休假、害得我只能自己锻炼(=不锻炼……

  3. My wallet won't close because there's too much money in it3. 钱太多了钱包合不起来(炫富死得快啊……

  4. I bought a dishwasher and now spend longer packing and unpacking it than I did washing up4. 买了个洗碗机吧,好嘛现在把碗收好放进去、洗好再拿出来的总时间比自己洗还长……

  5. My Brie is too hard5. 奶酪太硬(Brie是一种奶酪的名字)

  6. No semi-skimmed milk in the supermarket, just full fat6. 超市里木有半脂的牛奶、只有全脂的了……(既然这么在意发胖这件事、那健身教练请假你也给我好好锻炼啊!)

  7. Earphones getting tangled up in your bag7. 耳机线在包包里乱成一团

  8. Chipped nail varnish8. 指甲油部分脱落

  9. Warm Pimms9. Oh No~!! 皮姆酒竟然是温的!!!(皮姆酒是英国人在夏天时热衷的酒精饮料,常在户外野餐时饮用)

  10. The cleaner taking a day off10. 清洁工请了一天假……(于是就=不打扫房间,你懂的)

  11. Trying to keep electricals out of the sun whilst sunbathing e.g. phone, camera etc11. 又想晒太阳、又不想让手机啊相机什么的太烫

  12. Watch / jewellery causing unsightly tan lines12. 晒太阳的时候不小心忘了取下表或是首饰,于是有了奇怪的晒痕……

  13. Spotting someone wearing the same outfit as you13. 撞衫!!

  14. Squeaky new shoes which hurt whilst breaking them in14. 走起来吱吱响的新鞋子、还磨脚

  15. Snagging designer clothing15. 刮破超贵的名牌衣服

  16. Over / under brewed tea16. 茶煮过头/ 没煮够时间

  17. Remote control batteries have run out17. 遥控器没电了(这个我懂!!!)

  18. A disappointing air freshener18. 买到不好闻的空气清新剂

  19. The wind blowing your summer dress or skirt up19. 风把裙子掀得走光

  20. Stepping on something wet while wearing socks20. 穿袜子的时候不小心踩到湿的东西

  21. Hair sticking to lipstick or lip balm in the slightest breeze21. 轻轻一吹风,头发就沾到口红上

  22. You update your mobile phone and lose all your contacts22. 换了新手机、所有的联系人都要重新输一遍 = =

  23. Sitting on your designer sunglasses23. 买了个超贵的墨镜、然后一不小心坐在了上面

  24. Getting a fishbone stuck in your throat24. 吃鱼卡到刺

  25. Two Weetabix not fitting in a round bowl properly, resulting in half of them becoming soggy and the other dry25. 两大块麦片在圆形碗里摆不平、结果牛奶泡进去一块太湿哒哒、一块又根本没泡开!(Weetabix是一种麦片的牌子,见图)

  读完这些小编只想说:腐国人你们够了!是全国都是处女座的节奏吗?龟毛成这样…… 不止小编,连调查人员也忍不住承认:

  ‘Sometimes we forget just how good we've got it,' a spokesman for OnePoll, which carried out the study, said. ‘Whilst we enjoy a lifestyle much more fortunate than some parts of the world, we still find time to moan about those more trivial problems during everyday life。“有时候我们都忘了自己过得多好”,组织调查的一位发言人说:“相比起世界上大部分国家的人来说我们的生活已经非常享受,但我们还有时间去抱怨日常生活中的这些小细节。”

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