
2013年12月30日15:31  沪江英语 微博   
Sao Paulo, Brazil is home to some of the world's biggest traffic jams, and its subway stations are a bit overcrowded. 巴西圣保罗是世界上交通最拥堵的城市之一。那里的地铁站有点儿挤哦! Sao Paulo, Brazil is home to some of the world's biggest traffic jams, and its subway stations are a bit overcrowded. 巴西圣保罗是世界上交通最拥堵的城市之一。那里的地铁站有点儿挤哦!
Just getting the door of a train closed can prove tricky. 单单是让地铁门关上就是一个技术活儿。 Just getting the door of a train closed can prove tricky. 单单是让地铁门关上就是一个技术活儿。
The city's buses aren't much better. 在圣保罗挤公共汽车也好不到哪儿去。 The city's buses aren't much better. 在圣保罗挤公共汽车也好不到哪儿去。
Some commuters in Dhaka, Bangladesh travel by water. 在孟加拉国城市达卡的一些上班族选择走水路。 Some commuters in Dhaka, Bangladesh travel by water. 在孟加拉国城市达卡的一些上班族选择走水路。
Other Dhaka residents use the roof of the train as well as its interior. 还有一些达卡当地居民选择充分利用火车——既用车内也用车顶。 Other Dhaka residents use the roof of the train as well as its interior. 还有一些达卡当地居民选择充分利用火车——既用车内也用车顶。
Some seem to enjoy the ride. 有些人看上去还挺享受。 Some seem to enjoy the ride. 有些人看上去还挺享受。
Motorbikes are a popular mode of transportation in Taipei, but riders can create major bottlenecks during rush hour. 在台北,骑摩托是一种普遍的交通方式,但大批的摩托车也会在高峰时段造成交通堵塞。 Motorbikes are a popular mode of transportation in Taipei, but riders can create major bottlenecks during rush hour. 在台北,骑摩托是一种普遍的交通方式,但大批的摩托车也会在高峰时段造成交通堵塞。
In Jakarta, Indonesia, the front of the train is fair game, too. 在印度尼西亚雅加达,车头的位置也得公平竞争。 In Jakarta, Indonesia, the front of the train is fair game, too. 在印度尼西亚雅加达,车头的位置也得公平竞争。
Being a pedestrian in Tokyo means having a lot of company. 在东京步行上班你会有很多同行者。 Being a pedestrian in Tokyo means having a lot of company. 在东京步行上班你会有很多同行者。
Riding with this many people on a motorcycle doesn't look like much fun. 这么多人挤在一辆摩托车上看上去可不怎么有意思。 Riding with this many people on a motorcycle doesn't look like much fun. 这么多人挤在一辆摩托车上看上去可不怎么有意思。
At peak times, New York City's Grand Central Terminal gets pretty crazy. 高峰时段的纽约中央车站看上去真的很疯狂。 At peak times, New York City's Grand Central Terminal gets pretty crazy. 高峰时段的纽约中央车站看上去真的很疯狂。
But it pales in comparison to what trains look like in Indonesia's West Java province, where just 300 cars serve 500,000 commuters each day. 但这和印度尼西亚西爪哇省比起来就小巫见大巫了,西爪哇省仅用300辆车就可以运送50万人上下班。 But it pales in comparison to what trains look like in Indonesia's West Java province, where just 300 cars serve 500,000 commuters each day. 但这和印度尼西亚西爪哇省比起来就小巫见大巫了,西爪哇省仅用300辆车就可以运送50万人上下班。
It's hard to imagine being stuck in this Mumbai commuter train. 被困在孟买上下班的火车上简直难以想象。 It's hard to imagine being stuck in this Mumbai commuter train. 被困在孟买上下班的火车上简直难以想象。
Train travel got less pleasant in Kenya during a January 2010 strike by minibus drivers. 2010年1月,肯尼亚迷你巴士司机大罢工让当地火车运输压力倍增。 Train travel got less pleasant in Kenya during a January 2010 strike by minibus drivers. 2010年1月,肯尼亚迷你巴士司机大罢工让当地火车运输压力倍增。
In Islamabad, Pakistani men deal with a different kind of problem on the road. 在巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡,人们在马路上齐心协力解决一项特殊的难题。 In Islamabad, Pakistani men deal with a different kind of problem on the road. 在巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡,人们在马路上齐心协力解决一项特殊的难题。
After Hurricane Sandy hit New York, getting into the Holland Tunnel got more difficult. 飓风桑迪席卷纽约之后,进入荷兰隧道变得更加艰难。 After Hurricane Sandy hit New York, getting into the Holland Tunnel got more difficult. 飓风桑迪席卷纽约之后,进入荷兰隧道变得更加艰难。
But it wasn't as rough as the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge during a July public transit workers' strike. 但是和七月份公共交通大罢工中的旧金山奥克兰海湾大桥比起来,那还算好的。 But it wasn't as rough as the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge during a July public transit workers' strike. 但是和七月份公共交通大罢工中的旧金山奥克兰海湾大桥比起来,那还算好的。
Heavy rain didn't deter these men in Karachi, Pakistan, from riding on the outside of a bus. 暴雨也阻止不了巴基斯坦卡拉奇市人民勇攀巴士车皮的决心。 Heavy rain didn't deter these men in Karachi, Pakistan, from riding on the outside of a bus. 暴雨也阻止不了巴基斯坦卡拉奇市人民勇攀巴士车皮的决心。
A winter snowstorm brought afternoon traffic to a standstill in Calgary. 冬天里的一场暴风雪让加拿大卡尔加里下午的交通陷入停滞状态。 A winter snowstorm brought afternoon traffic to a standstill in Calgary. 冬天里的一场暴风雪让加拿大卡尔加里下午的交通陷入停滞状态。
Commuters were stranded after a 2009 typhoon washed out a chunk of a Philippines highway north of Manila. 2009年,一场台风毁了菲律宾首都马尼拉北部的一条交通干线,造成大量客流停滞。 Commuters were stranded after a 2009 typhoon washed out a chunk of a Philippines highway north of Manila. 2009年,一场台风毁了菲律宾首都马尼拉北部的一条交通干线,造成大量客流停滞。
But commuter crushes are nothing new in Manila. Here, Filipinos line up outside a train station in the city's capital in 2008. 但客流拥挤在马尼拉也不是什么新鲜事了。图中是2008年某天人们在首都马尼拉的一个火车站排队等车的场景。 But commuter crushes are nothing new in Manila. Here, Filipinos line up outside a train station in the city's capital in 2008. 但客流拥挤在马尼拉也不是什么新鲜事了。图中是2008年某天人们在首都马尼拉的一个火车站排队等车的场景。
A nationwide strike by French transport workers in 2007 made getting into a Paris subway train a lot trickier. 2007年法国交通工人的一场全国大罢工让乘坐巴黎地铁难上加难。 A nationwide strike by French transport workers in 2007 made getting into a Paris subway train a lot trickier. 2007年法国交通工人的一场全国大罢工让乘坐巴黎地铁难上加难。
Commuter trains into and out of the city weren't any more pleasant. 市郊往返列车进出城的情况也好不到哪儿去。 Commuter trains into and out of the city weren't any more pleasant. 市郊往返列车进出城的情况也好不到哪儿去。


  For most people, the daily commute to and from work is no fun。


  But if you think you have it rough, these photos will make you feel a lot better。


  Take a look, and think about this the next time you're frustrated when your train is a few minutes late。



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