Around 10pm on Sunday night, Sherlock fans may be feeling a combination of elated and melancholic. Elated because the concluding episode of series three is very, very good, melancholic because – just 11 days after it returned – it’s all over again。
周日晚10点左右,《神探夏洛克》的剧迷们可能会感到既欢欣又忧郁。欢欣是因为第三季的最终集真的精彩十足;忧郁是因为此剧刚回归11天,之 后就又无新剧可看了。
So here’s some good news: Sherlock co-creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have already plotted out two more series of the detective drama – and Moffat reckons it’s their best stuff yet。
所以有些好消息要告诉大家:《神探夏洛克》的联合编剧斯蒂芬·莫法特和马克·加蒂斯已经设计出了两季新剧情,同时莫法特预测这将是他们最好的作 品。
“Rather excitingly, Mark and I, for no particular reason, we just got out of the rain and sat at the top of the [Sherlock] production bus… and we just started plotting out what we could do in the future,” Moffat told the audience at tonight's Bafta screening of the season three finale His Last Vow。
“非常令人振奋,也没什么特别的缘由,马克和我坐在剧组车上躲雨……然后我们马上就规划出了未来两季的计划。” 莫法特在参加英国电影学院奖《神探夏洛克》第三季最终集《最后誓言》放映时对观众表示。
“And we plotted out the whole of series four and five。”
“So we have got plans – but our plans don’t tend to be ‘Let’s blow up the world or cast the most famous person in the world’ they tend to be ‘What exciting twists and turns can we add to this?’ And I think we’ve got some crackers!
“所以我们是有计划的,但我们的计划并不是‘让我们轰动世界或找世界上最有名的人来出演角色’,而是‘我们能为剧情添加什么样迂回曲折 的情节呢?’ 我认为我们已经有好的构思了。”
“The ideas we had that day, I thought were the best we’ve ever had。”
And after you watch the series three finale on Sunday, you’ll know that’s setting the bar very high indeed…"