
2014年06月19日14:33  中国日报网     收藏本文     
From left, Spain's Fernando Torres, Andres Iniesta and goalkeeper Iker Casillas walk off the pitch following their group B World Cup soccer match between Spain and Chile at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Wednesday, June 18, 2014. Defending champion Spain was eliminated from the World Cup after losing to Chile 2-0.   From left, Spain's Fernando Torres, Andres Iniesta and goalkeeper Iker Casillas walk off the pitch following their group B World Cup soccer match between Spain and Chile at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Wednesday, June 18, 2014. Defending champion Spain was eliminated from the World Cup after losing to Chile 2-0.

  Spain became the fifth holders to be eliminated from the World Cup at the first stage after their 2-0 defeat by Chile at the Maracana on Wednesday。


  在英语中,“被淘汰出局”可用be eliminated from/knocked out of表示,如:Spain was eliminated from/knocked out of the World Cup by Chile或者Chile eliminated Spain by 2-0.“卫冕冠军”在英语中多用defending champion表示,上文中的holders也表示同样的意思,因为冠军属于球队所有成员,所以用的是holder的复数形式。

  另外,我们也可以用exit或head home来表示某支球队出局、打道回府,如:Spain is the fifth holders to exit the World Cup’s first stage。(西班牙是第五个在小组赛就出局的卫冕冠军)或Australia is ready to head home after two losses at the group stage。(在小组赛遭遇两连败之后,澳大利亚将打道回府)

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