
2014年06月19日14:57  沪江英语 微博    收藏本文     

  The record of the fastest own goal in World Cup history has been broken by BIH defender Sead Kolasinacm, who gifted Argentina a 1-0 lead at 2 minutes and 8 seconds. The record was kept by Paraguay's Carlos Gamarra (2:46) in 2006.

  据中国日报网报道,世界杯史上最快的乌龙球进球纪录被波黑后卫赛德·科拉希纳茨(Sead Kolasinacm)打破。他在对阵阿根廷的比赛开始仅2分08秒,就为阿根廷队送上一粒乌龙进球。此前,这一记录一直由2006年德国世界杯上,乌拉圭球员卡洛斯·加马拉(Carlos Gamarra)以2分46秒的记录保持。

  Brazil also had a disastrous start when defender Marcelo found his own net while trying to clear a low cross by Ivica Olic in the 11th minute in the 2014 World Cup opening game against Croatia, but Neymar then showed why the nation's high hopes are all pinned on him。

  巴西队在2014世界杯对阵克罗地亚的开幕赛上也经历了尴尬时刻。巴西后卫马塞洛(Marcelo)试图挡出伊维卡·奥利奇(Ivica Olic)的一脚低射,却误将足球碰进自家大门。但后来内马尔展示了他作为巴西希望之星的实力。

  Looking back the World Cup history, besides wonderful goals, there are also some interesting own goals. The following are top 10 own goals witnessed at the World Cup。


Carlos Gamarra of Paraguay makes an own goal during a match against England at 4 minutes in World Cup 2006, June 10, 2006.2006年6月10日世界杯赛场上,乌拉圭遭遇英格兰。乌拉圭球员卡洛斯·加马拉打入一记乌龙球。 Carlos Gamarra of Paraguay makes an own goal during a match against England at 4 minutes in World Cup 2006, June 10, 2006.2006年6月10日世界杯赛场上,乌拉圭遭遇英格兰。乌拉圭球员卡洛斯·加马拉打入一记乌龙球。
Defending world champion West Germany was eliminated from the finals by Austria 3-2 in World Cup 1978, one of Austria's three goals was contributed by West Germany, June 21, 1978.1978年6月21日世界杯决赛,奥地利3:2战胜西德。奥地利3个进球中的一个由西德贡献。 Defending world champion West Germany was eliminated from the finals by Austria 3-2 in World Cup 1978, one of Austria's three goals was contributed by West Germany, June 21, 1978.1978年6月21日世界杯决赛,奥地利3:2战胜西德。奥地利3个进球中的一个由西德贡献。
Denmark's Simon Busk Poulsen, right, gifts the Netherlands an own goal during the World Cup group E soccer match at Soccer City in Johannesburg, South Africa, June 14, 2010. The own goal was made at 33 seconds in the second half and was the first one in South Africa World Cup.2010年6月14日南非世界杯小组赛E组的比赛在约翰内斯堡的足球城体育场上演。丹麦球员西蒙·波尔森(右)送给对手荷兰队一记乌龙球。这一进球发生在下半场比赛开始后仅33秒,是南非世界杯的第一个乌龙球。 Denmark's Simon Busk Poulsen, right, gifts the Netherlands an own goal during the World Cup group E soccer match at Soccer City in Johannesburg, South Africa, June 14, 2010. The own goal was made at 33 seconds in the second half and was the first one in South Africa World Cup.2010年6月14日南非世界杯小组赛E组的比赛在约翰内斯堡的足球城体育场上演。丹麦球员西蒙·波尔森(右)送给对手荷兰队一记乌龙球。这一进球发生在下半场比赛开始后仅33秒,是南非世界杯的第一个乌龙球。
Brazil won the game 2- to 1 against Scotland. Scotland contributed to one of Brazil's two goals , which is the first own goal in World Cup's opening game. 巴西2:1战胜苏格兰,其中一粒进球由苏格兰奉献。这也成为了世界杯开幕赛历史上的第一个乌龙球。[. Brazil won the game 2- to 1 against Scotland. Scotland contributed to one of Brazil's two goals , which is the first own goal in World Cup's opening game. 巴西2:1战胜苏格兰,其中一粒进球由苏格兰奉献。这也成为了世界杯开幕赛历史上的第一个乌龙球。[.
Australia's only goal in World Cup 1974 was an own goal gifted to East Germany, which made it the only country that had more own goals than goals in the World Cup.1974年,澳大利亚唯一一粒世界杯进球由东德奉送。这也让东德成为世界杯历史上唯一一个乌龙球多过进球的国家。 Australia's only goal in World Cup 1974 was an own goal gifted to East Germany, which made it the only country that had more own goals than goals in the World Cup.1974年,澳大利亚唯一一粒世界杯进球由东德奉送。这也让东德成为世界杯历史上唯一一个乌龙球多过进球的国家。
Cristian Zaccardo of Italy, left, sends America an own goal at 27 minutes into World Cup 2006, June 17, 2006.2006年6月17日,意大利的克里斯蒂安·扎卡尔多(左)在世界杯比赛开始27分钟后,送给对手美国队一记乌龙球。 Cristian Zaccardo of Italy, left, sends America an own goal at 27 minutes into World Cup 2006, June 17, 2006.2006年6月17日,意大利的克里斯蒂安·扎卡尔多(左)在世界杯比赛开始27分钟后,送给对手美国队一记乌龙球。
South Africa's defender made two goals during a match against France in World Cup 1998, but unfortunately, both the goals were own goals.1998年世界杯,南非对阵法国。南非后卫打进两球,不幸的是,这两个进球都是乌龙球。 South Africa's defender made two goals during a match against France in World Cup 1998, but unfortunately, both the goals were own goals.1998年世界杯,南非对阵法国。南非后卫打进两球,不幸的是,这两个进球都是乌龙球。
Andres Escobar of Columbia, who made an own goal during a match against the United States in World Cup 1994, was shot dead after the match. He is thought to be the first in soccer history to die due to an own goal. 1994年,哥伦比亚球员安德雷斯·埃斯科巴在与美国队的比赛中,打入一粒乌龙球,赛后被枪杀,是足球史上第一个因为打进乌龙球而被杀的球员。 Andres Escobar of Columbia, who made an own goal during a match against the United States in World Cup 1994, was shot dead after the match. He is thought to be the first in soccer history to die due to an own goal. 1994年,哥伦比亚球员安德雷斯·埃斯科巴在与美国队的比赛中,打入一粒乌龙球,赛后被枪杀,是足球史上第一个因为打进乌龙球而被杀的球员。
The first own goal in World Cup was made by Switzerland in a match between Switzerland and Germany at World Cup 1938.1938年,瑞士在与德国队的比赛中打入乌龙球。至此,世界杯首粒乌龙球诞生。 The first own goal in World Cup was made by Switzerland in a match between Switzerland and Germany at World Cup 1938.1938年,瑞士在与德国队的比赛中打入乌龙球。至此,世界杯首粒乌龙球诞生。
South Korea made the first own goal of Asian soccer teams in a match against Italy in World Cup 1986, June 10, 1986. Italy won the game by a score of 3 to 2.1986年6月10日,韩国队在与意大利的比赛中,打进亚洲球队的首粒乌龙球。 South Korea made the first own goal of Asian soccer teams in a match against Italy in World Cup 1986, June 10, 1986. Italy won the game by a score of 3 to 2.1986年6月10日,韩国队在与意大利的比赛中,打进亚洲球队的首粒乌龙球。

  Carlos Gamarra of Paraguay makes an own goal during a match against England at 4 minutes in World Cup 2006, June 10, 2006. 


  Defending world champion West Germany was eliminated from the finals by Austria 3-2 in World Cup 1978, one of Austria's three goals was contributed by West Germany, June 21, 1978.


  Denmark's Simon Busk Poulsen, right, gifts the Netherlands an own goal during the World Cup group E soccer match at Soccer City in Johannesburg, South Africa, June 14, 2010. The own goal was made at 33 seconds in the second half and was the first one in South Africa World Cup. 


  Brazilian defender Cafu (C) and midfielder Rivaldo (L, blurred) cheer after scoring, while Scottish goalkeeper Jim Leighton (C, front) kneels defeated on the pitch during the 1998 World Cup opening game Brazil against Scotland in Saint Denis, near Paris, France, June 10, 1998. Brazil won the game 2- to 1 against Scotland. Scotland contributed to one of Brazil's two goals , which is the first own goal in World Cup's opening game。


  Australia's only goal in World Cup 1974 was an own goal gifted to East Germany, which made it the only country that had more own goals than goals in the World Cup。


  Cristian Zaccardo of Italy, left, sends America an own goal at 27 minutes into World Cup 2006, June 17, 2006.


  South Africa's defender made two goals during a match against France in World Cup 1998, but unfortunately, both the goals were own goals。


  Andres Escobar of Columbia, who made an own goal during a match against the United States in World Cup 1994, was shot dead after the match. He is thought to be the first in soccer history to die due to an own goal。


  The first own goal in World Cup was made by Switzerland in a match between Switzerland and Germany at World Cup 1938.


  South Korea made the first own goal of Asian soccer teams in a match against Italy in World Cup 1986, June 10, 1986. Italy won the game by a score of 3 to 2.


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