
2014年07月04日11:16  新浪教育     收藏本文     
《神探夏洛克4》将明年开拍 《神探夏洛克4》将明年开拍

  Sherlock, the hit BBC One drama produced by Hartswood Films, will return to screens for a Special, followed by a series of three new episodes。


  The last series saw Sherlock’s life change a lot - he returned from the dead, his best friend John Watson married Mary Morstan and he met his match in Charles Augustus Magnussen. After the briefest of exiles, Sherlock came back only to face one of his biggest mysteries yet. Why is Moriarty’s face being broadcast on every television in the land?


  Speaking about the return of the series, co-creator, writer and executive producer Steven Moffat says: “A special, plus a new series of three episodes - it's a record-breaking run! Of course, it's far too early to say what's coming, but we're reasonably confident that the very next thing to happen to Sherlock and John, is the very last thing you'd expect.。.”


《神探夏洛克4》将明年开拍 《神探夏洛克4》将明年开拍

  Charlotte Moore, Controller of BBC One, says: “It’s a very good day in the life of a BBC One Controller when you can announce Sherlock will return for a special plus a new three-part series. Massive thanks to Hartswood Films for pulling this off, it's no mean feat pinning down some of this country's most brilliant and in-demand actors and writers."


  Sherlock is written and created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, and inspired by the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Shooting on the special will begin in January 2015, with the series shooting later next year。



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