
2014年09月09日10:50  中国日报网     收藏本文     


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The Qiantang River tide is shown along the Haitang levee, Yanguan town, Haining city on Monday. The event attracted more than 167,000 tourists who came to observe the river's tide during the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday from Sept 6-8. [Photo/IC] The Qiantang River tide is shown along the Haitang levee, Yanguan town, Haining city on Monday. The event attracted more than 167,000 tourists who came to observe the river's tide during the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday from Sept 6-8. [Photo/IC]
The Qiantang River tide is one of world's three strongest tidal events, along with the Amazon in South America and the Ganges in India. The best location for tide watching is right in Yanguan town, Haining city. [Photo/IC] The Qiantang River tide is one of world's three strongest tidal events, along with the Amazon in South America and the Ganges in India. The best location for tide watching is right in Yanguan town, Haining city. [Photo/IC]
The Qiantang River tide creates a massive wave across the river. [Photo/IC] The Qiantang River tide creates a massive wave across the river. [Photo:IC] The Qiantang River tide creates a massive wave across the river. [Photo/IC] The Qiantang River tide creates a massive wave across the river. [Photo:IC]

  The Qiantang River tide is one of world's three strongest tidal events, along with the Amazon in South America and the Ganges in India. The best location for tide watching is right in Yanguan town, Haining city。


  我国的钱塘江大潮(Qiantang River tide)每年最佳的观赏时间都在中秋节前后,壮观的一线潮(one-line bore)、回头潮(back-flow bore)和交叉潮(cross bore)常常引得观潮人群惊叹不已。

  “潮涌”多用tidal bore表示,bore在这里的意思是“(由河口涌上来的)激潮,怒潮”。所谓涌潮,是指由于外海的潮水进入窄而浅的河口(mouth of the river)后, 波涛激荡堆积而成。

文章关键词: 热词钱塘江大潮中秋双语新闻

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