
2014年10月07日12:55  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  If you can hold your breath all the way to the bottom here, you are in a very small minority - this is Y-40 The Deep Joy and with a staggering depth of -40 metres it is the world's deepest pool。能屏住呼吸游到一个普通的游泳池底部的人并不少,但能憋住气一直游到这个名为“Y-40 The Deep Joy”的游泳池底部的人却不多。它可是世界上最深的游泳池,深度达到40米。

  The incredible swim centre, designed by renowned architect Emanuele Boaretto, is located within the four-star Hotel Terme Millepini in Montegrotto Terme, Italy。这个不可思议的游泳中心,由著名设计师伊曼纽尔设计,位于意大利蒙泰格罗托泰尔梅的四星级酒店米勒皮尼泰梅酒店内。

  Operating since June, the pool has a diving height of a 12-storey building, or nine double decker buses placed on top of each other.Y-40的深度约为12层楼或9辆双层巴士叠放在一起的高度,今年6月开始对外营业。

  Wet suits aren't required here as swimmers can enjoy a regular temperature of between 32-34°C。在这里游泳者不用穿紧身潜水衣,因为泳池内的水温会始终保持在32度到34度之间。

  There are several platforms, ranging from -1.3m, to -12m. The pool at the surface is 21m by 18m but it becomes a narrow well-like hole as the depths plummet straight down。在深度为1.3米和12米处分别设有平台。泳池的上表面长21米宽18米,但越往深处越窄,像一个垂直的深洞。

  Visitors are able to use the facilities for free diving and scuba diving, with underwater caves for cave diving beginners. 在这里游客们可以使用相应的设施进行自由潜水或戴水肺潜水,另外还有供洞穴潜水新手使用的地下水洞。

  There is also a unique suspended underwater tunnel which is entirely transparent, so non-swimmers can experience the pool without getting wet。该泳池还设有一条独一无二的水下全透明隧道,不游泳的人也可以在这里体验“深深的喜悦”。

  There is a sunbathing deck with loungers on the roof, where swimmers can recover from their deep-diving experience。泳池的顶部,有一个供休闲的日光浴甲板,游泳者深潜之后可在这里休息。

  Nemo 33 in Brussels, Belgium, was the deepest indoor swimming pool in the world before Y-40 was completed。在Y-40建成之前,世界上最深的室内用泳池是比利时首都布鲁塞尔的nemo33。

文章关键词: 双语新闻最深游泳池

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