
2014年10月11日11:59  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
Jim Halpert as Facebook, The Office Jim Halpert as Facebook, The Office
Bill Haverchuck as The Bionic Woman, Freaks And Geeks Bill Haverchuck as The Bionic Woman, Freaks And Geeks
Dwight Schrute as a Sith Lord Dwight Schrute as a Sith Lord
Jim Halpert as a three hole punch Jim Halpert as a three hole punch
Gabe Lewis as Lady Gaga Gabe Lewis as Lady Gaga
Britta Perry as a squirrel Britta Perry as a squirrel
Sheldon Cooper as The Doppler Effect Sheldon Cooper as The Doppler Effect
Ross Geller as Spudnik Ross Geller as Spudnik
Joey Tribbiani as Chandler Joey Tribbiani as Chandler
Frasier and Lillith as Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his sister Christina,1321849458 Frasier and Lillith as Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his sister Christina,1321849458
Barney Stinson as a fighter pilot Barney Stinson as a fighter pilot
Jesse, Joey and Danny as The Three Stooges Jesse, Joey and Danny as The Three Stooges
Cerie Xerox as an Italian senator Cerie Xerox as an Italian senator
Tom Haverford as T-Pain Tom Haverford as T-Pain

  Jim Halpert as Facebook, "The Office"

  Jim Halpert扮成“脸谱网”——《办公室》

  Bill Haverchuck as The Bionic Woman, "Freaks And Geeks"

  Bill Haverchuck扮成“生化女战士”——《怪胎与书呆》

  Dwight Schrute as a Sith Lord, "The Office"

  Dwight Schrute扮成西斯尊主——《办公室》

  Jim Halpert as a three hole punch , "The Office"

  Jim Halpert扮成一个三孔打孔机——《办公室》

  Gabe Lewis as Lady Gaga, "The Office"

  Gabe Lewis扮成Lady Gaga——《办公室》

  Britta Perry as a squirrel , "Community"

  Britta Perry扮成松鼠——《废柴联盟》

  Sheldon Cooper as The Doppler Effect , "The Big Bang Theory"


  Ross Geller as Spudnik, "Friends"


  Joey Tribbiani as Chandler, "Friends"

  Joey Tribbiani 扮成 Chandler——《老友记》

  Frasier and Lillith as Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his sister Christina, "Cheers"

  Frasier 和 Lillith 扮成但丁·加百利·罗塞蒂和他的妹妹克里斯蒂娜——《欢乐酒吧》

  Barney Stinson as a fighter pilot from "Top Gun," "How I Met Your Mother"

  Barney Stinson扮成《壮志凌云》里的一个战斗机飞行员——《老爸老妈的浪漫史》

  Jesse, Joey and Danny as The Three Stooges, "Full House"

  Jesse, Joey 和 Danny扮成“三个臭皮匠”——《欢乐满屋》

  Cerie Xerox as an Italian senator , "30 Rock"

  Cerie Xerox扮成一个意大利参议员——《我为喜剧狂》

  Tom Haverford as T-Pain, "Parks And Rec"

  Tom Haverford扮成T-Pain——《公园与游憩》


文章关键词: 万圣节服装美剧双语新闻

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