逃犯嫌照片不帅 警方:来警局给你重拍(双语)

2014年10月22日10:43  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     


逃犯嫌照片不帅 警方:来警局给你重拍(双语) 逃犯嫌照片不帅 警方:来警局给你重拍(双语)
逃犯嫌照片不帅 警方:来警局给你重拍(双语) 逃犯嫌照片不帅 警方:来警局给你重拍(双语)

  A police public appeal for the whereabouts of a New Zealand man took an unexpected turn on social media when it was met by taunts from the wanted man himself。


  Christchurch police issued an image of Samuel Evan Lake on their Facebook page at about 10pm on Saturday night in an effort to help find and arrest him。

  周六晚上10点左右,新西兰基督城的警方在脸谱网的官方页面上发布了一张萨缪尔 伊万 雷克的照片,希望公众提供线索以便找到并捕获此人。

  However, a cat-and-mouse line of dialogue between police and Mr Lake himself, who began to tease the officers, soon formed below the post。


  &0#39;Samuel Evan Lake has a warrant for his arrest. LAKE is 23 years of age, 171cm tall and of thin build. "Fate" is tattooed on his neck,' the police social media post read。

  在警方的社交网络布告栏上如是写道:“我局被批准逮捕萨缪尔 伊万 雷克。雷克现年23岁,身高171公分,体型消瘦。颈部有‘命运’字样纹身。”

  Instantly, Mr Lake himself responded to the post which included an image of his face。


  &0#39;I need to get a new mug shot,&0#39; the 23-year-old wrote in a comment that has since been liked over 3,000 times and had over 186 replies。


  Christchurch police responded to his comment with their own jibe, writing: "come see us and will arrange at no cost."


  Their response has since gained almost 6,000 likes。


  A number of Facebook users praised the quick wit of the police department, with comments that included 'what a comeback' and 'bloody legends'.


  But that wasn't the end of the row. Shortly afterwards, Mr Lake added: 'If only they were as good at finding me as they were with comebacks.'


  A spokesperson for Christchurch police told Daily Mail Australia that they regularly release mug shots on their Facebook page as it has prompted individuals to turn themselves in to police in the past or other members of public to provide information on their whereabouts。


  'Yes, we have had similar responses before,' the spokesperson said of Mr Lake's comments, adding that the sought after person's presence on social media has also previously helped to locate them.



文章关键词: 双语警察

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