双语:英文面试中应该避免使用的15个词 (2)

2014年10月23日16:10  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  9、Amazing 太棒了

  This is a word which is often used as a filler to convey positivity. The hiring manager might say, for example, “We just spent $20 million on a brand new office fit-out。” Instead of blurting out “Amazing!” to validate that choice, take a moment to think about the reasons behind such a move and provide analysis which the interviewer would find relevant. For example: “That must have done wonders for employee satisfaction。”

  这个词通常是为了表现积极而额外使用的。雇用经理可能会说, “我们花了两千万美元来翻新办公室。”与其蹦出一句“太棒了”来肯定这句话,还不如花时间思考这一举动背后的原因,给出经理可能认为相关的分析。例如“那一定让雇员们满意到惊讶。”

  10、Whatever 无所谓

  “Whatever” is usually used to communicate that you’ve given up. It shows that you lost power and withdrew from the issue, instead of achieving an outcome which you found satisfactory。


  It also makes you sound immature and dismissive – using it will communicate to the interviewer that you’re trouble。


  11、Stuff 那些事

  Not only is this word overly casual in tone, it introduces ambiguity into your answers。


  It can be tempting end your answer with it when you’re struggling to add detail – for example, “You know – stuff like that。” Doing sufficient research and practicing your answers will reduce that desire. Your interviewer doesn’t, in fact, know – they want to hear it from you in detail。


  12、Dedicated 专注

  In today’s job market, everyone is dedicated. It’s no longer a differentiating feature. It’s also a hollow, overused cliche which shows that you probably copied your answers from the Internet, rather than preparing sufficiently for the interview by thinking about the role and your career。


  Demonstrate to your interviewer that you’re dedicated by talking about your achievements。


  13、Motivated 有激情

  This also includes synonymous buzz-words like “self-starter” and “enthusiastic。”


  You might think that you’re telling your interviewer that you don’t need a babysitter, but all they’re thinking at that moment is “Thanks for the obvious. You’re wasting my time。” You might as well tell them that you have a pulse。


  14、Learn 学习

  Don’t ever tell your interviewer that you’re applying for a job to “learn。”


  It’s true that you’re expected to learn, but the primary motivation for applying should be your your ability to contribute something to the company that no-one else can。


  15、Fired 解雇

  You want to avoid this word at all costs. It can contextualize you in the interviewer’s mind as a troublemaker, and once that context is set, everything positive about you will be diminished and everything negative will be amplified。


  Having been fired doesn’t automatically put you into the “no” pile. However, not being able to talk about it diplomatically will。


  If you were fired due to under-performance, use the words “let go” instead. Explain how you used the experience to become a better employee. “I’m glad it happened because I needed to become a better marketer. In my next role I created a direct response campaign which exceeded the targets by 20%。”


  (来源:沪江英语,编辑 Helen)


文章关键词: 双语英语面试用词

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