
2015年03月23日10:09  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起 全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起
全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起 全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起
全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起 全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起
全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起 全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起
全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起 全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起
全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起 全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起
全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起 全球温馨漫画主题旅店:和海绵宝宝住一起

  Seeing these awesome 7 Hotels featuring Comic Book Rooms will make you eager to travel and spend you day and night here and explore the wondrous world full of interesting things!


  If you’re a fan of comics and other fictional stories and characters, this is the best place to be. Imagine living in Barbie’s world? Or be enveloped in Harry Potter’s magic and feel like a wizard. Experience stone age in The Flintstones and the world of Spongebob Squarepants as if you live in a pineapple under the sea, it’s nothing else but a dream come true!


  1. 希尔顿(布宜诺斯艾利斯)“芭比”客房 

  Barbie Room at the Hilton Hotel in Buenos Aires 

  The doll most loved by many and a precious toy cherished by kids, Barbie, comes to life in this room as she brings about nostalgia of childhood memories. Feel like a princess yourself like you’re living in a gigantic dollhouse, mix and match clothes and shoes and make your Barbie fashion statement。芭比娃娃深受大众欢迎。对孩子来说,她也是非常珍贵的玩具。在这里,芭比仿佛来到了你身边,把你带回童年的记忆。在这个巨大的洋娃娃房间里,你会感觉自己就是公主。在这里,你可以给芭比穿上各种各样的服饰和鞋靴,展现你的芭比时尚主张。

  2. 泰国塔蕾卡伦海滩度假村水下客房 

  Room Underwater Talay Karon Beach Resort in Thailand 

  As if you’re in a submarine, be captivated with the beauty of the sea in this majestic underwater room. Look outside and see a world brimming with sea creatures and water adventure. Find out how it feels to sleep in the middle and the bottom of the sea。你会感觉如同置身于潜水艇,也会对这里旖旎的水下风光折服。向外看,就能望见一个布满海洋生物和水下冒险的世界。感受一下海里和海底入睡的感觉吧。

  3. 奥兰多尼克酒店“海绵宝宝”主题客房 

  Room SpongeBob Nickelodeon Hotel in Orlando

  Kids and adults alike laugh at the hilarious sound and sense of Spongebob. You will have the one of a kind opportunity to share a room with all his friends, Patrick, Bob and Mr. Krabs and kids will enjoy plenty of games to play。


  4. 普吉岛假日酒店“海盗”主题客房

  Pirate Room at the Hotel Holiday Inn – Phuket

  Feel as if you are in never neverland as you experience great adventures in this pirate themed hotel. Sleep in your own ship and be the captain of the sea! Not only will you be given this chance but you may also go with circus tents or a jungle theme. Each room has video game consoles to complement the entire surrounding for a most pleasurable stay。


  5. 美利亚酒店“摩登原始人”主题客房

  Flintstones Room at the Melia Hotel

  Have an unforgettable and enjoyable holiday, ideal for both children and parents, in this hotel located in Spain. The Flintstones is a classic and it will be wonderful to be surrounded with dino stone age fun!


  6. 高雄汉来大饭店“Hello Kitty”主题客房 

  Hello Kitty Room in the Grand Hi-Lai Hotel – Kaohsiung, Taiwan

  Hello Kitty never fails to capture hearts, she holds true the statement- simplicity is beauty. White face with a cute ribbon, elegant and very feminine, delicate and pretty. This room is so adorable and you’ll feel very comfortable and cozy.Hello Kitty


  7. 伦敦格鲁吉亚庄园酒店“哈利波特”主题客房  

  Harry Potter Room at The Georgian House in London

  Cleverly made by imaginative hotel owners, they have brought to life Hogwarts in this classy room. Here you belong in the wizard world and be enchanted with its magic!


文章关键词: 温馨旅店漫画主题

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