Unicorn Blood独角兽的血
“The blood of a unicorn will keep you alive, even if you are an inch from death, but at a terrible price. You have slain something pure and defenseless to save yourself, and you will have but a half-life, a cursed life, from the moment the blood touches your lips。” — Firenze the Centaur“即使你处在死亡的边缘,独角兽的血液仍可以为你保命,但要付出可怕的代价。你要杀害一些无防备的纯洁生物来救命,而且你的生命也将只剩下一半,从血液进入你的嘴里开始,你就会被诅咒。”——人马兽佛罗伦萨
Luckily this cocktail won’t lead to a cursed life — just a fun night。幸运的是这种鸡尾酒不会让你一直过被诅咒的生活 – 就一个有趣的夜晚罢了。
Recipe 配方
1.5 oz silver tequila1.5盎司银龙舌兰
1.5 oz St. Germain (elder flower liqueur)1.5盎司圣日尔曼(接骨木花利口酒)
1 ozlemon juice1盎司柠檬汁
Add everything to a cocktail shaker with ice and shake (hard!) for a full 20 seconds. Strain into a coupe glass。把所有的东西都跟冰一起添加到调酒器里摇(使劲!)整整20秒。倒入玻璃杯即可。
Hair Of The Three-Headed Dog三头犬之发
Three-headed-dogs are a pain: Just when you think you have everything under control, another head seems to pop out of nowhere…kind of like a hangover. This Bloody Mary/Michelada/Bulldog mutt will soothe your splitting head and start working on a new one at the same time。三头犬是痛苦的:因为当你觉得一切皆在控制之中,另一个好像就会不知从哪弹出来……呵呵就像宿醉一样。这种血腥玛丽/墨西哥啤酒/斗牛犬会让你炸裂的头平静下来,同时开始一个新的工作。
1.5 oztequila1.5盎司龙舌兰酒
1/2 cup tomato juice1/2杯番茄汁
1 tablespoon lime juice1汤匙柠檬汁
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce1大匙,辣酱油
1 teaspoon Tabasco1茶匙塔巴斯科
12-oz bottle Mexican beer (like Corona or Modelo)12盎司一瓶墨西哥啤酒(如电晕或莫德洛)
2 tablespoons kosher salt2大匙粗盐
1/2 teaspoon chili powder1/2茶匙辣椒粉
1 celery stalk, washed, root end trimmed (optional)1芹菜茎,洗净,根端修剪(可选)
Mix tequila, tomato juice, lime juice, Worcestershire and Tabasco sauces. Mix salt and chili powder together in a small bowl or saucer. Rub the rim of a pint glass with a slice of lime and roll the outside of the glass rim in the chili salt to coat it. Fill glass halfway with ice, add tomato mixture, stir well, and top with beer. Garnish with celery if you like。把龙舌兰酒,番茄汁,柠檬汁,辣椒粉和塔巴斯科酱料混合。把盐和辣椒粉一起混合在一个小碗或小碟子里。杯子的边缘的外侧插一块柠檬,在上面涂上辣椒粉。喝到一半的时候加冰,加入番茄混合物,搅拌均匀,在上面倒上啤酒,如果你喜欢,还可以用酒芹菜做配菜。
Wolfsbane Potion狼毒药剂
Unfortunately for you and Professor Lupin, there is no permanent cure for being a werewolf. But Wolfsbane can help keep things under control. Be warned, though: This drink is not for the faint of heart。不幸的是,对你和卢平教授来说,狼人都不能永久痊愈。但狼毒草可以控制变身。不过要注意:这种饮料是不适合心脏虚弱的人。
1.5 oz Scotch whiskey1.5盎苏格兰威士忌
1.5 oz Fernet-Branca1.5盎司。布兰卡比特酒司
Combine Scott and Fernet in a shaker with ice and stir vigorously for 20 seconds, until fully chilled. Strain into a rocks glass with a large ice cube.* Top with cola, to taste。把两种酒和冰在振荡器里剧烈搅拌20秒,直到完全冷却。倒入岩石杯中,再加入大的冰块。*上面浇点可乐来喝。
*We used this mold to make an icy full moon. Awooo!*我们使用这种模具制作一个冰冷的满月。 哇哦 !
The Phoenix Feather凤凰羽毛
Guaranteed to perk you right up, even if you’ve been bitten by a basilisk。就算你被蛇怪咬了,也保证让你好起来。
Lillet is a delicious wine-based aperitif you can find at most liquor stores。利莱酒是一种美味的葡萄酒,也是一种开胃酒,你可以去烈酒类专卖店买到。
2 ozLillet Blanc2盎司白色利莱酒
1.5 ozCampari1.5盎司金巴利
1 ozfresh-squeezed grapefruit juice1盎司鲜榨西柚汁
seltzer or club soda天然气泡矿泉水或苏打水
Combine Lillet, Campari, and grapefruit juice in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake, vigorously, for about 20 seconds. Strain into a Collins glass filled with ice cubes and top with seltzer。把利莱酒、金巴利和柚子汁放入调酒器与加冰大力地摇约20秒。倒入柯林斯玻璃杯,再加点冰块,在上面浇上苏打水。
This is a little boozier than the Three Broomsticks’ finest, so you may want to skip the bourbon if you’re serving it to any Hogwarts students。这比三把扫帚酒吧的警察更容易酩酊大醉一点,所以如果你是调给某个霍格沃茨的学生的话,不要加波本酒。
Homemade butterscotch sauce will be the most delicious here, but use store-bought if there’s a brand you like. You can swap in ginger ale if you can’t find a good (non-alcoholic) ginger beer, like Reed’s or Gosling’s。自制奶油酱将是这里最美味的东西,但如果有你喜欢的牌子,你也可以去商店里买。如果你找不到一瓶好的(不含酒精的)生姜啤酒的话,也可以用像里德的或高斯林的那种生姜饮料。
6-8 tablespoons butterscotch sauce (depending how sweet you like it)6-8汤匙奶油酱(取决于你喜欢多甜)
3 cups apple cider3杯苹果汁
1 cup bourbon whiskey (optional)1杯波本威士忌(可选)
2 cups ginger beer2杯姜汁啤酒
Whipped cream, for garnish奶油,装饰用
Heat cider, bourbon and butterscotch syrup in a medium saucepan until the butterscotch dissolves and the mixture is steaming hot. Remove from heat and stir in the ginger beer. Ladle into mugs and serve with loads of whipped cream on top。把苹果汁、波旁威士忌等放在一个中型平底锅加热,直到奶油溶化的时候,奶油跟糖浆的混合物热气腾腾的时候。从火上拿开,并拌入生姜啤酒。舀入杯子在上面放上鲜奶油。
Polyjuice Potion复方汤剂
Be careful with stuff; you might not turn into exactly the person you had in mind (just ask Hermione)。小心:你可能不会变成你想变的人(就像赫敏那样)。
We used a green juice from Blueprint, but you can make your own if you have a juicer or pick up a cup from your favorite juice shop. It should include some citrus
and at least one fruit, like apple or pineapple, for sweetness. The Chartreuse liqueur adds an interesting herbal note, but you can skip if you’d rather (it’s expensive)。我们计划用一个绿色果汁,不过如果你有一台榨汁机的话可以自己做,也可以从您最喜爱的果汁店里买一杯。它应该至少包括一些柑橘类植物,而且至少一种水果、比如苹果或菠萝,用来加入甜味。注意:可以在黄绿色利口酒里增加一点有趣的草药,如果你不想可以不加(它的价格昂贵)。
1.5 oz gin1.5盎司杜松子酒
1.5 oz fresh-pressed or bottled green juice1.5盎司新鲜压榨或瓶装绿汁
1 oz green Chartreuse1盎司黄绿色利口酒
½oz lime juice½盎司青柠汁
7-Up or Sprite (optional)七喜雪碧(可选)
Shake gin, juices, and Chartreuse in a shaker with ice. Strain into a glass (you can serve up or over ice) and top with a splash of soda if you’d like it a little lighter。把杜松子酒,果汁和黄绿色利口酒加冰在搅拌器里摇。倒入玻璃杯(端上去的时候,你可以加点冰),如果你想让它味道淡一点的话,可以在上面撒点苏打。
Felix Felicis (“Liquid Luck”)福灵剂( “幸运药水” )
“Brewed correctly the drinker of this potion will be lucky, but be warned…excessive consumption is highly toxic and can cause extreme recklessness。” — Zygmunt Budge, 16th century potioneer“酿造正确的话,喝了这瓶药剂的人会很幸运,但要注意:喝多了就变成了剧毒,会让你行事十分鲁莽。 ”——齐格蒙特·巴奇,16世纪的酿造师(魔药书作者)
This fizzy version of Felix is sure to boost your confidence levels on and off the Quidditch field。冒泡的福灵剂保证能让你在魁地奇球场上信心大增。
To make simple syrup, just heat equal parts sugar and water until fully dissolved, then cool。制作纯糖浆,加热同等份糖和水,直至完全溶解,然后冷却。
1/4 oz simple syrup1/4盎司纯糖浆
1/4 oz lemon juice[cn]1/4盎司柠檬汁[/cn]
1.5 ozginger beer1.5盎司姜汁啤酒
Champagne or other sparkling wine香槟或其他起泡的酒
Mix simple syrup and lemon juice in the bottom of a champagne flute. Add ginger beer and fill with Champagne。把纯糖浆和柠檬汁倒入香槟杯子的底部。加入姜汁啤酒,并加点香槟。(来源:沪江英语)