
2015年04月09日11:33  爱语吧     收藏本文     

Apple is working on an update to its iMac that will take its resolution to new heights, according to LG Display.


In a blog post last week that was newly noticed Monday, LG Display wrote about the future of display technology, saying that next big thing will be a "super-high-resolution" format known as 8K.


Tucked into the middle of that discussion was one attention-getting sentence: "Apple has also announced that they will release the ’iMac 8K’ with a super-high resolution display later this year."

议论中有句话吸引了人们的注意:“今年晚些时候,苹果公司将发布超高分辨率的iMac 8K。”

The tricky thing is, Apple hasn’t announced such a product. If the LG Display claim is true, the famously hush-hush iPhone maker cannot be happy about what was said. Apple likes to make its own announcements according to its own schedule and holds its vendors to vows of extreme secrecy. If Apple is working on an 8K iMac, LG Display could find itself in some hot water.

但是问题在于,苹果公司并未宣布将要发布此产品。如果乐金显示所说属实,以喜欢保密著称的苹果制造商就不高兴了。苹果公司喜欢根据自己的日程计划发布通知,并让供应商们发誓保密。如果苹果公司真的正在生产8K iMac,那么乐金显示就遇到麻烦了。

Apple’s iMac is an all-in-one computer with a display in front of the device’s components. The company’s 21.5-inch iMac has a 1,920-by-1,080-pixel resolution, while the 27-inch version has a 2,560-by-1,440 resolution. Apple also sells an iMac with Retina 5K display featuring a 27-inch screen that has a 5,120-by-2,880-pixel resolution. That computer was announced last year


Screen resolution has long been a differentiating factor for displays. The higher the resolution, the more pixels packed into a display -- and thus the crisper and more lifelike the image. For the last several years, the display market has been dominated by 1080p displays boasting a 1,920-by-1,080-pixel resolution. Now TV makers are pitching so-called 4K displays that feature resolutions of 4,096-by-2,160. Apple’s 5K display has a slightly better resolution.


Ultimately, LG Display says, the future in display resolutions is with 8K, which it says is the highest resolution at which the human eye can discern. LG Display showed off an 8K display at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, featuring a 98-inch screen


Still, offering a high resolution is only one part of the equation. In order for users to get the full effect of 5K or 8K, they’d need to have the content to support it.





文章关键词: 分辨率显示屏苹果公司双语

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