
2015年04月10日13:34  爱语吧     收藏本文     

  Hungarian architect Matyas Gutai believes that water is the perfect material for keeping a house at a comfortable temperature。

  匈牙利建筑师Matyas Gutai认为水是保持适宜室温的绝佳材料。

  And while that doesn’t mean that he can do away with traditional materials like bricks, cement, and plaster, his system promotes a whole new idea of engineering。


  Gutai built a prototype house in his hometown of Kecskemet, south of Budapest, with his high school friend Milan Berenyi, after years of research and development。

  经过多年的研究,Gutai与高中好友Milan Berenyi一起在家乡布达佩斯南部的凯奇凯梅特建了一个模型房。

  The house was built with a grant from the EU, and showcases the "liquid engineering" concepts Gutai has written about extensively。


  How does it work?


  Panels, some of steel, and some of glass, make up the structure of the house and a sheet of water is trapped between the inner layers, which equalizes the temperature across the building.The house is actually able to reheat itself, when its hot excess heat is stored either in the foundations of the building or in external storage, to be brought back to the walls when the temperature drops。


  The indoor temperature can also be modified using a monitoring system similar to central heating.This is a very efficient and sustainable system: the house can produce its own energy and be more independent of energy suppliers, which could reduce carbon emissions。


  "Our panel can heat and cool the building itself -- the water inside the panel does the very same job as heating," says Gutai。


  "It saves energy, when you compare it to a similar building with large glass surfaces -- it’s a very clean and sustainable solution."


  Future plans


  "Our goal should be to use less energy and materials, and take cities off-grid as much as possible. The water house is one way to do that," said Gutai, who currently works as a researcher at Feng Chia University in Tokyo。


  Constructing houses in this way is moderately more expensive than traditional designs, but this prototype aims to slash our energy needs and Gutai is working with factories and companies across Europe on projects using this technology。



文章关键词: 双语房子原料匈牙利

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