¡¡¡¡15. Get the set lunch menu ¨C If you eat out, do so at lunch and get the prix fixe menu (two- or three-course set menu). Restaurants throughout town offer this set menu during lunch, and with prices between €10 and €20, it¡¯s a way better deal than the regular dinner menu!
¡¡¡¡16. Pick up lunch at outdoor markets ¨C Paris is a market city, with food markets throughout town. If you want to save big money on meals, head to one of the markets, pick up some cheese, wine, bread, meats, or anything else, and head to the park for a picnic. (Or grab a sandwich for later!) You¡¯ll find the locals doing the same thing, and it¡¯s one of the cheaper ways to get a true taste of French food¡£
¡¡¡¡17. Head to the grocery store for basics ¨C Grocery shopping is a no-brainer way to eat cheap. They have all the ingredients you need for basic foods as well as prepared meals. They sell wine too!
¡¡¡¡18. Enjoy free summer festivals ¨C During the summer, you can find free entertainment almost any night of the week, such as the Paris Jazz Festival and outdoor film screenings like Cin¨¦ma en Plein Air¡£
¡¡¡¡18.ÏíÊÜÃâ·ÑµÄÏļ¾½ÚÈÕ£ºÏÄÌ죬»ù±¾ÉÏÿÖܵÄÍíÉ϶¼ÄÜÕÒµ½Ãâ·ÑµÄÓéÀÖÏîÄ¿£¬±ÈÈç°ÍÀè¾ôÊ¿½Ú£¬»òÈçCin¨¦ma en Plein AirÕâÑùµÄ»§ÍâµçÓ°½Ú¡£
¡¡¡¡19. Find free Wi-Fi ¨C Free Wi-Fi is easy to find in cafes, fast food joints (all McDonald¡¯s)£¬ parks, and museums. Eurocheapo has a good list of places to connect¡£
¡¡¡¡20. Use Airbnb ¨C Don¡¯t want to sleep in a stranger¡¯s home or a hostel? Airbnb offers the next cheapest accommodation options. This site allows you to rent a room or entire apartment in a Paris neighborhood. You get all the comforts of home! I¡¯ve seen entire apartments for as little as $70 a night. Split that a few ways, and it¡¯s cheaper than a hostel!
¡¡¡¡21. Fill up your water bottle around town ¨C Paris has more than 800 water fountains located throughout the city where you can fill your water bottle¡£
¡¡¡¡22. Avoid shopping ¨C Unless you¡¯re a trust-fund baby, avoid shopping in Paris. High taxes and labor costs make everything more expensive than it needs to be. There¡¯s nothing in Paris you couldn¡¯t find a similar version of in your home country at a much cheaper price. Save your money and use it for experiences, not stuff¡£
¡¡¡¡Paris is an expensive city, and traveling there on a budget has become harder the last couple of years. But any major city has budget options, and by making a few small adjustments, you can find big savings that will make any trip to Paris fun, affordable, and memorable¡£
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