
2015年05月03日12:51  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Can’t wait for the new royal baby? A British artist has the next best thing. A look-alike Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge are already celebrating the birth of their second little imposter in a series of surreal photographs. Artist Alison Jackson pictured her celebrity stand-ins in intimate family moments that offer an all-access — and imaginary — look at the royals at home。

   “Jackson makes convincingly realistic work about celebrities doing things in private using lookalikes,” her web site says. “Likeness becomes real and fantasy touches on the believable. She creates scenarios we have all imagined but never seen – the hot images the media can’t get。”


  Her latest round of faux family portraits include a counterfeit Queen Elizabeth putting a diaper on the new arrival as the phony prince, his wife and their first child look on。

  In another, Will holds a pretend Prince George, who's dressed in a “The Heir” T-shirt, while Kate cradles his little sham sibling in a matching “The Spare” onesie。

  Jackson likes to explore what she calls the “cult of celebrity” in the media。

  “Jackson raises questions about whether we can believe what we see when we live in a mediated world of screens, imagery and internet,” her site says.The real Will and Kate, who celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary on Wednesday, are expecting their second child any day。

  Palace officials pegged her due date to late April, and fans and reporters have already begun to line up outside the private Lindo Wing of St. Mary’s Hospital。

  已经等不及皇室宝宝到底是男是女的人们,英国一名艺术家给你带来了一点惊喜。Alison Jackson拍摄的一系列超现实照片中我们看到一位长得非常像威廉王子和剑桥公爵夫人凯瑟琳殿下(凯特)的两人正在庆祝第二个小孩的诞生。Alison 拍摄的名人替身正在共享温馨的家庭时光,全方位展示人们想象中的英国皇室家庭时光。在这位艺术家的网站中有这样的话:“Jackson用长得非常相似的人展示出逼真可信的名人私下活动的作品。她创造出了我们所有人都想象过但都未曾见过的场景——这是媒体无法获得的热门照片。”


  在她最新的仿真皇室家庭照里,有英女皇伊丽莎白为假的皇族新生儿更换尿布,而假冒王子和他的妻子和他们的大儿子在一旁观看。另一张照片里,假威廉王子抱着假乔治王子,假小王子身穿“The Heir”(继承人)的T恤,凯特怀里捧着第二个伪孩子,身穿“The Spare”(备选继承人)的T恤。名人替身创造出超现实的家庭共聚场景,场景里有凯特、威廉王子、伊丽莎白女王、乔治王子以及最近出生的皇室婴儿,而现实世界里这个小宝宝还没有出生。




文章关键词: 凯特王妃诞生二胎皇室

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