
2015年05月08日11:52  中国日报网 微博    收藏本文     


Facebook mommy is a mom who spends 5 hours a night at the club, 10 hours a day asleep, 4 hours a day working, 2 hours a day shopping/eating/drinking coffee with her girls, an hour and a half showering and getting dressed, and 30 minutes with her kids taking Facebook mommy is a mom who spends 5 hours a night at the club, 10 hours a day asleep, 4 hours a day working, 2 hours a day shopping/eating/drinking coffee with her girls, an hour and a half showering and getting dressed, and 30 minutes with her kids taking "usies" and posting to Facebook using hashtags such as: #lovemybabies #kidsaremylife. “Facebook妈咪”每天晚上有5个钟头泡夜店,白天10个小时睡觉,4个小时工作,2个小时购物、用餐、和闺蜜喝咖啡,一个半小时冲澡打扮,30分钟和自己的孩子自拍“母子照”,然后把照片上传到Facebook,贴上“爱我的宝贝”、“宝贝是我的生命”等标签。
The phrase soccer mom generally refers to a married middle-class woman who lives in the suburbs and has school age children. She is portrayed as busy or overburdened, putting the interests of her family, and most importantly her children, ahead of her own. The phrase soccer mom derives from the literal, specific description of a mother who transports and watches her children play soccer. “足球妈妈”一般指家住郊区、已婚、并且家中有学龄儿童的中产阶级女性。足球妈妈们给人的印象是忙碌或不堪重负,把家庭的利益,尤其是孩子的利益看得比自己的利益更重要。“足球妈妈”这个短语最初用来描述那些开车载孩子去踢足球并在一旁观看的妈妈们。 The phrase soccer mom generally refers to a married middle-class woman who lives in the suburbs and has school age children. She is portrayed as busy or overburdened, putting the interests of her family, and most importantly her children, ahead of her own. The phrase soccer mom derives from the literal, specific description of a mother who transports and watches her children play soccer. “足球妈妈”一般指家住郊区、已婚、并且家中有学龄儿童的中产阶级女性。足球妈妈们给人的印象是忙碌或不堪重负,把家庭的利益,尤其是孩子的利益看得比自己的利益更重要。“足球妈妈”这个短语最初用来描述那些开车载孩子去踢足球并在一旁观看的妈妈们。
“Sheep Mom” refers to an extensive way of education that sets only basic objectives but no core syllabus. Teachers can feel free to use any teaching method as long as most children can reach the goals. 羊妈,是种粗放式的教育方式,对一定年龄的孩子设有核心教学大纲,只提出基本教育目标,老师只要能让多数孩子达到目标,具体采用什么方式教学完全自便。 “Sheep Mom” refers to an extensive way of education that sets only basic objectives but no core syllabus. Teachers can feel free to use any teaching method as long as most children can reach the goals. 羊妈,是种粗放式的教育方式,对一定年龄的孩子设有核心教学大纲,只提出基本教育目标,老师只要能让多数孩子达到目标,具体采用什么方式教学完全自便。
Yummy mummy is a slang term used in the United Kingdom to describe young, attractive and wealthy mothers. A yummy mummy would have several children and yet remain a Yummy mummy is a slang term used in the United Kingdom to describe young, attractive and wealthy mothers. A yummy mummy would have several children and yet remain a "girl-about-town", dressing fashionably and appearing well-groomed and carefree. Yummy mummy是英国俚语,指那些年轻、漂亮又有钱的妈妈们。一位辣妈可能有好几个孩子,却还能保持着“城内名媛”的地位,衣着时尚,精心修饰,一副忧烦不扰的样子。
Milk brain can refer to feelings of disorientation and mental sluggishness reported by some mothers of newborn babies or total involvement in the care of a newborn baby, to the exclusion of almost everything else. “牛奶大脑”可以指新生儿母亲表现出的情绪错乱和大脑反应迟钝的状态,也可以指这些妈妈们全身心投入到孩子的身上,其他事物一概不予理会的情况。 Milk brain can refer to feelings of disorientation and mental sluggishness reported by some mothers of newborn babies or total involvement in the care of a newborn baby, to the exclusion of almost everything else. “牛奶大脑”可以指新生儿母亲表现出的情绪错乱和大脑反应迟钝的状态,也可以指这些妈妈们全身心投入到孩子的身上,其他事物一概不予理会的情况。
Push present is a present a new father gives a new mother when she gives birth to their child. Push present is always a piece of expensive jewellery, frequently diamonds — stud earrings, a jewel-encircled tennis bracelet or a solitaire pendant — push presents have become the posh way for new dads to compensate their partners for the agonies of childbirth. 新妈妈礼物是新爸爸在新妈妈生下孩子时送给她的礼物。新妈妈礼物通常是一件贵重的首饰,多为钻石耳钉、镶嵌了一圈珠宝的手链或单粒宝石的吊坠。新妈妈礼物已经成为新爸爸弥补配偶分娩痛苦的一种时髦的方式。 Push present is a present a new father gives a new mother when she gives birth to their child. Push present is always a piece of expensive jewellery, frequently diamonds — stud earrings, a jewel-encircled tennis bracelet or a solitaire pendant — push presents have become the posh way for new dads to compensate their partners for the agonies of childbirth. 新妈妈礼物是新爸爸在新妈妈生下孩子时送给她的礼物。新妈妈礼物通常是一件贵重的首饰,多为钻石耳钉、镶嵌了一圈珠宝的手链或单粒宝石的吊坠。新妈妈礼物已经成为新爸爸弥补配偶分娩痛苦的一种时髦的方式。
Mom look is the look you get when your boyfriend/girlfriend introduces you to their mom and you see the look of disapproval in her eyes. “老妈表情”指你男/女朋友把你介绍给他/她妈妈时,你从对方妈妈脸上看到的不满的表情和眼神。 Mom look is the look you get when your boyfriend/girlfriend introduces you to their mom and you see the look of disapproval in her eyes. “老妈表情”指你男/女朋友把你介绍给他/她妈妈时,你从对方妈妈脸上看到的不满的表情和眼神。
Mom jeans is the informal term now used to refer to a style of women's jeans which have a high waist above the belly button and are loose-fitting, often with excess material around the crotch and legs. Bucking the trend for fading techniques and different shades of denim, these jeans are also characteristically a very uniform, solid blue. Other common features include pleats, tapered legs and elastic waistbands. “妈妈牛仔裤”是对高腰、宽松的女式牛仔裤的非正式说法,这种牛仔裤通常会在裆部和腿部额外加肥。在用褪色技艺和不同色调的牛仔蓝震荡潮流界的同时,“妈妈牛仔裤”都有同一个鲜明的特色,坚持用蓝色。其他共同特征还有,褶皱、锥形裤腿以及松紧腰带。 Mom jeans is the informal term now used to refer to a style of women's jeans which have a high waist above the belly button and are loose-fitting, often with excess material around the crotch and legs. Bucking the trend for fading techniques and different shades of denim, these jeans are also characteristically a very uniform, solid blue. Other common features include pleats, tapered legs and elastic waistbands. “妈妈牛仔裤”是对高腰、宽松的女式牛仔裤的非正式说法,这种牛仔裤通常会在裆部和腿部额外加肥。在用褪色技艺和不同色调的牛仔蓝震荡潮流界的同时,“妈妈牛仔裤”都有同一个鲜明的特色,坚持用蓝色。其他共同特征还有,褶皱、锥形裤腿以及松紧腰带。
Mompetition is the one-up rivalry that moms play making their child seem better, smarter, and/or more advanced than yours. These days the mompetition is much more overt. Moms make snide comments about snacks brought to the play date, outfits worn to the school sing along, or educational choices. They compete to prove their worth. They compete in an effort to prove that they are making the best choices every single day. “拼孩”,是妈妈们之间的比拼,比谁的孩子看上去更好、更聪明,或比别人的孩子更超前,并且努力在这一竞争中抢占上风。现如今妈妈间的比拼更加公开化。妈妈们会对其他妈妈在游玩日带来的点心,别人的小孩在学校合唱表演中穿的服装,或别的妈妈给小孩选择的学校发表尖刻的评论。她们竞争是为了证明自己的价值,证明自己每一次做的选择都是最好的。 Mompetition is the one-up rivalry that moms play making their child seem better, smarter, and/or more advanced than yours. These days the mompetition is much more overt. Moms make snide comments about snacks brought to the play date, outfits worn to the school sing along, or educational choices. They compete to prove their worth. They compete in an effort to prove that they are making the best choices every single day. “拼孩”,是妈妈们之间的比拼,比谁的孩子看上去更好、更聪明,或比别人的孩子更超前,并且努力在这一竞争中抢占上风。现如今妈妈间的比拼更加公开化。妈妈们会对其他妈妈在游玩日带来的点心,别人的小孩在学校合唱表演中穿的服装,或别的妈妈给小孩选择的学校发表尖刻的评论。她们竞争是为了证明自己的价值,证明自己每一次做的选择都是最好的。
Mom cave is an area of a house that a woman can decorate to her tastes and be alone to pursue her own projects and interests. These days, women are chiseling out their own sanctuary, taking over a room, nook or even a closet and making it their “mom cave.” A mom cave is the place where the woman who nurtures everyone goes to nurture herself. “妈咪洞穴”是一个女人在家里留出的一块可以按自己的喜好装饰的小天地,在这个“洞穴”里她可以安静地做自己想做的事情。现在的女人会给自己开辟出一块庇护所,也就是“妈咪洞穴”,它可能是一个房间,一个角落,甚至是一个壁橱。“妈咪洞穴”是让滋养他人的女人滋养自己的地方。 Mom cave is an area of a house that a woman can decorate to her tastes and be alone to pursue her own projects and interests. These days, women are chiseling out their own sanctuary, taking over a room, nook or even a closet and making it their “mom cave.” A mom cave is the place where the woman who nurtures everyone goes to nurture herself. “妈咪洞穴”是一个女人在家里留出的一块可以按自己的喜好装饰的小天地,在这个“洞穴”里她可以安静地做自己想做的事情。现在的女人会给自己开辟出一块庇护所,也就是“妈咪洞穴”,它可能是一个房间,一个角落,甚至是一个壁橱。“妈咪洞穴”是让滋养他人的女人滋养自己的地方。

文章关键词: 母亲节妈咪新词

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