
2015年05月11日14:14  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

With their enormous bank balances, you would think the A-list have a bathroom bursting with expensive lotions and potions that keep them looking their best. However, you might be surprised to know that some of their most-loved beauty secrets are cheap, easy-to-do and can be achieved with things you find around the house.


1.Beyonce applies eye cream all over her face instead of using standard moisturiser. 碧昂斯不用常规的乳液,而是用眼霜代替乳液涂在脸上。 1.Beyonce applies eye cream all over her face instead of using standard moisturiser. 碧昂斯不用常规的乳液,而是用眼霜代替乳液涂在脸上。
2.Lady Gaga uses sticky tape to remove heavy eye make-up. 嘎嘎小姐用透明胶带清洗眼部的浓妆。 2.Lady Gaga uses sticky tape to remove heavy eye make-up. 嘎嘎小姐用透明胶带清洗眼部的浓妆。
3.Taylor Swift (left) used a felt tip pen (right) as eyeliner when she mislaid her make-up bag. 泰勒·斯威夫特忘带自己的化妆包的时候,会把粘毛彩笔当做眼线笔使用。 3.Taylor Swift (left) used a felt tip pen (right) as eyeliner when she mislaid her make-up bag. 泰勒·斯威夫特忘带自己的化妆包的时候,会把粘毛彩笔当做眼线笔使用。
4.Blake Lively keeps her blonde tresses in tip-top condition with the help of mayonnaise. 布莱克·莱弗利使用蛋黄酱来让自己的金色礼服保持最佳状态。 4.Blake Lively keeps her blonde tresses in tip-top condition with the help of mayonnaise. 布莱克·莱弗利使用蛋黄酱来让自己的金色礼服保持最佳状态。
5.Sienna Miller doused her hair in tomato sauce (right) after a dye disaster left her with dark brunette locks. 西耶娜·米勒经历了染发之灾,头发上出现棕色发结的时候,会用番茄酱浸泡头发。 5.Sienna Miller doused her hair in tomato sauce (right) after a dye disaster left her with dark brunette locks. 西耶娜·米勒经历了染发之灾,头发上出现棕色发结的时候,会用番茄酱浸泡头发。
6.Scarlett Johansson uses apple cider vinegar as face toner after researching natural products. 斯嘉丽·约翰逊素来倾向于用纯天然的化妆品,她把苹果醋当做化妆水使用。 6.Scarlett Johansson uses apple cider vinegar as face toner after researching natural products. 斯嘉丽·约翰逊素来倾向于用纯天然的化妆品,她把苹果醋当做化妆水使用。
7.Catherine Zeta-Jones (left) is an advocate of using her own home-grown beauty treatments and uses strawberries (right) to keep her teeth white. 凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯倡导人们使用自制美容产品。她用草莓来美白牙齿。 7.Catherine Zeta-Jones (left) is an advocate of using her own home-grown beauty treatments and uses strawberries (right) to keep her teeth white. 凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯倡导人们使用自制美容产品。她用草莓来美白牙齿。
8.Halle Berry (left) uses home made coffee (right) scrubs to help beat cellulite. 哈利·贝瑞用居家自产咖啡渣来消除臀部和腿部赘肉。 8.Halle Berry (left) uses home made coffee (right) scrubs to help beat cellulite. 哈利·贝瑞用居家自产咖啡渣来消除臀部和腿部赘肉。
9.Gwyneth Paltrow uses a bathroom loofah and hairdryer to tame flyaway hairs. 格温妮丝·帕特洛用丝瓜瓤沐浴球和电吹风来制伏毛躁的发丝。 9.Gwyneth Paltrow uses a bathroom loofah and hairdryer to tame flyaway hairs. 格温妮丝·帕特洛用丝瓜瓤沐浴球和电吹风来制伏毛躁的发丝。
10.Jessica Biel (left) keeps sweat off her evening dresses by putting tissue (right) under her arms. 杰西卡·贝尔会将餐巾放在腋下以保持晚礼服干燥无汗。 10.Jessica Biel (left) keeps sweat off her evening dresses by putting tissue (right) under her arms. 杰西卡·贝尔会将餐巾放在腋下以保持晚礼服干燥无汗。


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