“An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot.
要有自知之明:“靴子和蚂蚁没有瓜葛.”(蚂蚁暗指人类,靴子指天神,说的是人类的渺小) - 洛基提醒我们,有效力的领导者能认识到自己的可控因素和不可控因素.
“War isn’t won by sentiment. It’s won by soldiers.” – Al Capone once said, “You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone.”
带上枪与玫瑰:“战争不能感情用事,是战士们的献血换来的.”- 阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“ 你带着一把枪和一张嘴比你只带着一张嘴要走得远”
“Looks like Earth might need something a little old-fashioned.” – When trying times come, a return to the fundamentals is often the best course of action.
回归传统:“看来地球可能需要一些传统的东西.” - 在艰难时期来临时,回归到根本往往是最佳行动方案.
“We need a plan of attack.” – Rogers “I have a plan – ATTACK!” responds Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. Leaders are people of action and make things happen.
要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划.” - 罗杰斯“我有一个计划- 进攻!”回应了小罗伯特·唐尼扮演的托尼·斯塔克.领导者是实干者,并推动事情发生.
“We’re (not) a team…We’re a time bomb.” – Leaders understand that chemistry is just as important as competence.
外力和人力都很重要:“我们(不是)一个团队......我们是一颗定时炸弹.” - 领导人明白,人与人之间的化学反应和个人能力都很重要.
“You people are so petty…and tiny.” – Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth, reminds leaders that they are rendered small when they act petty.
单靠领导者一个人的能力毕竟有限:“人类如此渺小......微小.” - 克里斯斯沃思扮演雷神,提醒领导要清楚自己的能力有限.
Skill To Task – Because of his military background, Captain America handles all logistics and assignments when the climatic battle with alien forces takes place in New York City. When operating in a team environment, always assign tasks based upon skill.
按个人技能分配工作任务- 因美国队长有军事背景,所以在纽约与外星人打气候战时委以处理一切后勤任务.在团队环境中工作,要始终坚持按技能分配任务的原则.
The Value Of A Team – No single Avenger could have stopped Loki and his army. However, collectively they were able to achieve their objective.
团队价值- 势单力孤的复仇者可能无法阻止洛基和他的军队,不过,在集体的力量下还是实现了自己的目标.