
2015年05月22日08:39  中国日报网 微博    收藏本文     

  The Danish government on Wednesday proposed

  getting rid of the obligation for selected retailers to accept payment in cash, moving the country closer to a "cashless" economy。周三,丹麦政府提议,取消部分指定零售行业必须接受现金支付的规定,加快该国实现无现金经济的步伐。

  Nearly a third of the Danish population uses MobilePay, a smartphone application for transferring money to other phones and shops, and Sweden, Denmark and Finland lead in credit card payments per inhabitants in the European Union。在丹麦,近1/3的人口使用MobilePay这种向其它手机和商店转账的手机应用。而瑞典、丹麦和芬兰人均信用卡支付数也在欧盟内部名列前茅。

  The government said as of next year, businesses such as clothing retailers, gas stations and restaurants should no longer be legally-bound to accept cash。丹麦政府表示到了明年,法律将不再约束服装店、加油站和餐馆必须接受现金。

  The proposal is part of a pre-election package of economic growth measures aimed at reducing costs and increasing productivity for businesses. It would need to be approved by parliamentalthough the timing of a vote is as yet unknown。该提案属于选举前关于经济增长的系列举措中的一部分。这些举措目的在于减少支出并提高商业生产率。提案需经过议会批准,但投票时间尚不清楚。

  The proposal is unlikely to meet much opposition in Denmark, where it is common to use debit or credit cards for the smallest of payments, such as a pack of chewing gum at a convenience store。该提案不太可能在丹麦遭到大量反对。该国使用借记卡或信用卡进行小额支付(例如在便利店买口香糖)的现象十分普遍。

  Financial institution lobbyist Finansraadet said going cashless would save shops money on security and time on managing change from the cash register。金融机构的说客Finansraadet认为无现金会使商店减少安保支出,并节约从收银机里找钱的时间。

  However, there are some fears that a complete move to electronic payment may increase the risk of fraud. In Sweden, for example, such cases have doubled in the past decade。然而,有人担心完全转向电子支付可能导致诈骗的风险增加。例如在过去十年内,这样的案例数量翻了一番。


文章关键词: 双语男人谈话纸币

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