Ever since Beyoncé and Jay Z began dating over a decade ago, all sorts of rumors have surrounded their relationship. But one speculation that has not reached the tabloids is that either party said “I do” for the money.10年前碧昂斯和Jay Z开始约会的时候,就一直有各种关于两人关系的传闻。但还从未有过任何小报称任何一方是看中了对方的财富而走到一起的。
Queen Bey has her kingdom, and Jay Z has his empire; together, they ranked first on our highest-earning celebrity couples list in 2013. But they’ve been dethroned
by a younger pair on this year’s Celebrity 100. For the first time, the list will rank the world’s top earning entertainers by annual income only, and there will only be three couples where both members make the cut。女神碧昂斯和Jay Z这两人都各自有自的天地,各有各的精彩。他们两个于2013年被列为年收入最高的名人夫妻。但今年的《福布斯》杂志名人权力排行榜“Celebrity
Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris, $146 million泰勒·斯威夫特与加尔文·哈里斯,1亿4600万美元
Though their relationship may be new, this pair has quickly ascended the power couple rankings. The pop singer—who boasts a loyal fan base and plenty of industry clout, recently forcing Apple AAPL to pay musicians royalties during the free trial period of its new streaming service—and the Scottish DJ both land in the top 20 on this year’s Celeb 100.虽然两人才确立恋爱关系不久,泰勒·斯威夫特与加尔文·哈里斯很快就登顶最具影响力的明星情侣排行榜。作为流行歌手,泰勒拥有强大的粉丝群和行业影响力。最近她还成功迫使苹果公司在其新推出的音乐流媒体服务三个月免费试用期内向艺人支付版权费。另外,泰勒和她的男友,这名苏格兰的DJ同时登上了今年福布斯100名人权力榜的前20.
To add to their incomes, each has lucrative endorsement deals: Swift with Diet Coke, Keds and Sony , and Harris with Giorgio Armani and Sol Republic headphones. With careers that only seem to be getting bigger and bigger, these two may be setting themselves up for a longstanding place at the top of this list (that is, if they stay together)。他们的收入来源还包括各自签订的天价广告合同。斯威夫特的广告代言有:健怡可乐,科迪斯(美国运动品牌),还有索尼。哈里斯的广告代言则有:乔治·阿玛尼,Sol Republic 耳机。两人的事业都在不断发展扩大,他们很可能在长期占据该榜的榜首(如果两人不分手的话。)
Beyoncé and Jay Z, $110.5 million碧昂斯与Jay Z,1亿1050万美元
They may no longer top the list of highest earning couples, but these media favorites have no trouble bringing in the millions. The pair have recently celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary。他们这一对或许不再是最吸金的,但是分分钟进账百万还是没问题的。这对夫妻最近刚度过了他们的结婚7周年纪念日。
Both have also proven to have plenty of business acumen with their own ventures. Jay Z has his entertainment company, Roc Nation, and D’Ussé cognac. Not one to be outdone, Beyoncé has her own fragrance line and endorsements with Pepsi, H&M and others. [/en]碧昂斯与Jay Z都很有经商头脑,投资有道。Jay Z自己就开有一家娱乐公司,名为Roc Nation,还与百加得旗下的于泽干邑建立有合作关系。碧昂斯也毫不逊色,她拥有自己的香水品牌,与百事,H&M等公司都有广告合约。
[en]Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton, $57 million米兰达·兰伯特和布莱克·谢尔顿,5700万美元
With each a member of this country superstar couple bringing in $28.5 million, Shelton and Lambert have clearly won over more than just America’s heartland. Shelton found time to play more than 40 solo gigs on the road while serving as a judge on The Voice, where member of his team took second place last season。谢尔顿和兰伯特都是美国乡村音乐的著名歌手,各自有2850万美元的进账。从这可以看出,夫妻两人不仅仅只是赢得美国中心地区人民的喜爱。谢尔顿今年一共举行了40场单人路演,同时还担任美国之声的评委,上一赛季他带的一队员获得了该节目比赛的亚军。
Lambert had her biggest year yet, winning multiple Academy of Country Music Awards, including Female Vocalist, Song of the Year and Album of the Year for her hit record, Platinum。兰伯特今年可谓是大丰收。今年,米兰达斩获了多项美国乡村音乐学院奖,分别是:最佳女艺人奖,年度最佳歌曲奖,以及凭借大热专辑Platinum获得的年度最佳专辑奖。
They say money can’t buy love. But once you’ve got the love, the money doesn’t hurt. And it seems like the music industry is the place to find both. So, it’s up to you Brangelina: Can Hollywood’s sweethearts top music’s money-making couples next year? Better start filming. 谢尔顿和兰伯特都认为爱是买不来的。但要是收获了爱情以后,再拥有面包也是极好的。对他们而言,似乎音乐行业就是他们能够二者兼收的地方。所以说,布拉吉丽娜(布拉德·彼特和安吉丽娜·朱莉的合称),就看你们的了:这两只好莱坞宠儿明年能否超越音乐界的吸金搭档登顶榜单呢?还是赶紧拍电影吧。
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