最近,环游世界三年,英国段子手 Charlie Croker完成了一本新书叫《完全错误的翻译:当我迷失在国外》,给大家分享了一些在他看起来最酷的翻译错误。
Travel troubles
旅行本身就是非常考验人的经验,这些误导人的标识反而会使旅行更加艰难。Travelling can be a testing experience – and these very misleading signs don’t make it any easier.。.
1. 在中国的一个机场,官方特别要求“Please confirm your car is licked(locked?)”,难道你洗车是用舔的?
An airport in China made this special request of drivers: “Please confirm your car is licked。” Surely a car wash would suffice?
2. 在印度有个繁华的路旁竖着这样一个牌子,上面写着醒目的警告语:走路小心,情色(强奸?)事件重灾区。可是你们确定这样明目张胆难道不会有很多不明真相的围观群众?
Meanwhile there was this eye-catching warning on a busy stretch of road in India: “Go slow – accident porn area。” Bet there were a few rubberneckers for that one.
3. 在希腊的某条路上行走的时候你会多次遇到这样的站牌,上面写着警告语:在海岸公路停车是会被咬死。天啊噜。
And you might get more than you bargain for on this Greek road, where a sign warns: “Parking is for bitten along the coastal road。” Ouch。
4. 自驾游总是会被各种标识误导,天知道你会被引导到哪去。可是坐火车也好不到哪去,中国的火车厕所里总有这样一句话:当火车在马厩里的时候,请不要用厕所。那么马睡在哪里。
Though driving has its pitfalls, things don’t get much better on the trains. A notice on a toilet in China reads: “Do not use toilet while train is in stable。” Where do the horses sleep, then?
5. 在利比亚的Monrovia,不要觉得自己是成年人就可以乱吸烟,因为那里总会有这样的提示语:请变成小盆友,再使用烟灰缸。
Don’t think about smoking if you are a fully fledged adult travelling in Monrovia, Liberia. There, a notice reads: “Dear passengers, please be tiny when using ashtrays。”
6. 在中国机场,你可能在托运行李的时候会遇到一点痛苦,咱们把行李托运处叫做“Luggage disembowel”算了我们为了保护我们的内部器官,还是手提行李吧。
And at a Chinese airport you may be in for somthing painful at the baggage drop. They call it: “Luggage disembowel。” It may well be better to keep your internal organs and take hand luggage – just to be on the safe side。
Shopping slip-ups.。.
Fancy a spot of shopping on your hols? Be careful what you buy.。.
1. 虽然英国人在国外的声誉不是特别好,但是印度人也用不着在标语上写着:肛门(Anus)英语学院,绝对没问题。
Brits abroad don’t have the best reputation but there’s no need for this sign in Pratap Pura, India: “Anus English Academy – no problem。”
2. 在中国,为了吸引广大妇女,一家女装店这样打广告:免费送咪咪(Take free titty)。
A “Take free titty” notice in a women’s clothes shop in China says is bound to attract the wrong clientele。
3. 图中这个人拿着镶着喵星人照片的相框,下面的标识却是:My dog。
And someone was clearly having a bad day at work when they framed this picture of a cat with the caption, “My dog”。
4. 德国慕尼黑一家卖巴伐利亚啤酒的商店打广告:我们只卖啤酒渣。你确定你们能赚钱?
A shop selling Bavarian beer mugs in Munich, Germany, boasts “We sell beer stains”. We doubt they make much of a profit。
5. 迪拜的一个裁缝创立的品牌叫做“The In Trend”,谁能想到缩写却是“TiT”(小奶头?)
A tailor in Dubai called The In Trend didn’t think it through – the labels on his garments read “TiT”。
6. Aix-en-Provence的一家法国运动装备商店需要重新考虑一下自己的商店名:运动员的脚
One French sports shoe shop in Aix-en-Provence might need to rethink its name – Athlete’s Foot。
7. 我们和美国人一样是说英语的,但是这也阻止不了他们一家服装店这样打广告:Wonderful bargains for men with 16 and 17 necks(好吧你们米国男人都十几个脖子)
We may talk the same language but that hasn’t stopped one US clothes store coming up with this gem: “Wonderful bargains for men with 16 and 17 necks。”
8. 肯塔基州有家洗衣店打广告:Don’t kill your wife. Let our washing machines do the dirty work(不要让洗衣服这件事谋杀你老婆,脏活我们来干)真是什么服务都有。
And this Kentucky store has another pearler: “Don’t kill your wife. Let our washing machines do the dirty work。”
9. 一家中国书店必须为中土世界实现这个承诺“Sports and hobbits”(体育与霍比特人)
A Chinese bookshop must be trying to cash in on Middle Earth in a section for “Sports and hobbits”。
10. 泰国一家珠宝店写着“色情宝石”,你们城里人真会玩。
A Thai hotel jeweller has “Porn gems”. For the filthy rich perhaps?
Recipes for disaster.。.
Eating out is one of the best parts of a holiday, unless your menu includes one of these unusual treats.。.
1. 美国的一种蓝莓果酱瓶上写着:奶奶的味道。
A jar of black raspberry jam in America: “Tastes Like Grandma。” We all love our grandmas but no one wants to eat her。
2. 中国一家餐馆的菜单上有这道菜:grilled sexual harassment烧烤的性骚扰。(咸猪手?猪蹄?)
Meanwhile, another China restaurant has “grilled sexual harassment” on its menu。
3. 马德里的一家餐馆的菜单里同样也有这样的一道菜:律师身上的泡沫
Which would go nicely with the “Lawyer Foam” that appeared on a menu in Madrid。
Hotel howlers.。.
And things don’t get much better after you check in.。.
1. 法国一家旅馆的卫生间里有这样一个警告标语:Do not throw kidney in the toilet(不要把你的肾扔到卫生间里)。那能扔我的肝么。
A sign in a hotel bathroom in France warns guests: “Do not throw kidney in the toilet。” Does that mean a liver is allowed?
2. 哈萨克斯坦的一家旅馆似乎不能好好玩耍了,他们的旅馆里有这样的标语:There is a bowel (bowl?)of fruit in each room(每个房间里都有水果的肠子)。
While this sign in Kazakhstan certainly isn’t going to encourage us to get our five a day: “There is a bowel of fruit in each room。” Yum。
3. 泰国旅馆的一个旅游手册给游客一些中肯的建议:如果你想租车自驾请小心,泰国的每一个司机都想死。
A guest information booklet in a Thailand hotel bedroom gives some very honest advice: “If you are thinking of hiring a car please drive carefully as all Thai drivers have a death wish。”