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  阿根廷 Argentina

阿根廷 Argentina阿根廷 Argentina

  Ladies from Argentina are popular as beauty conscious people, giving their skin and hair utmost care and attention, always seeking to look their best. They are also updated with the latest fashion trends. Wearing this along with dusky, shiny skin makes them look hot and bold. 阿根廷女性以爱美著称,她们给予肌肤和头发极致精心的护理和关爱,总是希望以最美的一面展现在世人面前。她们当然也对时尚流行趋势了如指掌。那微暗而富有光泽的肌肤总是让她们看起来既性感又大胆。

  法国 France

法国 France法国 France

  French Women are famous for their outgoing personality and attitude, energetic vibes and strong fashion sense. They are blonde with a very romantic nature and sophisticated appeal. 法国女人以其开朗外向的性格和态度闻名,她们总是精力充沛又富有强烈的时尚气息。她们的白肤金发碧眼天生富有浪漫气息和难以捉摸的魅力。

  印度 India

印度 India印度 India

  A multiracial land filled with many cultures, India has produced quite a number of the prettiest female individuals in the entire world. Their dusky complexion and radiant skin are regarded as very beautiful by many experts. What makes them even more charming is their femininity and modest etiquette explicitly shown in their ways and movements. 拥有多民族多文化的印度也为全球缔造了许多独具特色的最美女性。很多专家都认为她们微暗的肤色和散发光泽的皮肤看起来很美。而她们生活中谦逊温柔的方式和动作更是为她们增添了更多迷人的风采。

  委内瑞拉 Venezuela

委内瑞拉 Venezuela委内瑞拉 Venezuela

  Home of many Miss Universe and Miss World beauty pageant winners, Venezuela is certainly one vast piece of land gifted and flourishing with beautiful faces. A typical woman from Venezuela would have a long, slim body matched with an appealing face which makes them nothing else but smoking hot! 作为众多世界小姐和环球小姐的佳丽盛产国,委内瑞拉这个国家自然是拥有众多才华横溢,绝代佳人的。典型的委内瑞拉美女拥有修长的身材和迷人的脸颊,这些无疑都是她们美丽性感的财富。

  意大利 Italy

意大利 Italy意大利 Italy

  Italian beauty is defined by extremely pretty Mediterranean women who have olive tanned skin, brown hair with a nice aura and character which makes them truly gorgeous. 意大利美女极具地中海特色,她们拥有橄榄色肌肤,褐色的头发带着宜人的香气,加上她们自身的性格特点,这些无疑都使她们看起来光彩耀人。

  塞尔维亚 Serbia

塞尔维亚 Serbia塞尔维亚 Serbia

  Slavic and Mediterranean heredity are the main features of Serbia girls. Almost all of them, around 99 percent have a tall and eye-catchy curvy figure dressed in stylish clothes, accentuated with their expressive and appealing eyes, which makes women including celebrities envious of their beauty. 说着一口斯拉夫语,带着浓郁的地中海风情是塞尔维亚女孩儿们的典型特点。在塞尔维亚,几乎所有的女性(高达99%)都是身材高挑,曲线婀娜,穿着时尚靓丽的服饰。尤其是她们那双会说话又迷人的大眼睛更是让人(包括名人)嫉妒她们的美丽。

  俄罗斯 Russia

俄罗斯 Russia俄罗斯 Russia

  Russian women are extensively appreciated all over the world for their alluring blue eyes, flawless fair skin, great figure added onto a good height. Most of them have gorgeous and proportional bodies. 俄罗斯女性以其迷人的蓝眼睛,洁白无瑕的肌肤再配上身高与身材的适当搭配,备受世界各国关注。大部分俄罗斯女性都拥有骄人的身材比例。

  乌克兰 Ukraine

乌克兰 Ukraine乌克兰 Ukraine

  Some of the rare, pretty and bold women in this world come from Ukraine. They are simple yet hot and captivating, resembling Russian ladies with their attitude and looks. Their femininity is of high value for each of them and take great care of themselves, and also love to wear clothing which enhances their fine attributes even more. 世界上少有的集美丽、勇敢于一身的女性来自于乌克兰。她们淳朴而又性感迷人,在外表和态度上很像俄罗斯女性。她们以温柔著称,同时又善待自己,更热衷于穿着彰显个人特质的服饰。

  韩国 South Korea

韩国 South Korea韩国 South Korea

  The women of South Korea look young with their innocent, girly cute faces that match their bubbly and very likable personality. They have fair and clear skin that glows amidst their glossy black hair and has bodily curves built within a good, medium height. 韩国女性外表清纯、笑容甜美加上温婉可人的性格使她们看起来总是很年轻。她们那白皙而水润的肌肤在一头乌黑靓丽的秀发映衬下更加光彩耀人。完美适中的体重下包裹着婀娜多姿的曲线。

  巴西 Brazil

巴西 Brazil巴西 Brazil

  Brazil, home to the greatest number of fitness models within the Latin region, is a place where you’ll find women who rank among the most beautiful on the planet. Both blonde and brunette Brazilian girls are well known for their sexy, sporty and very attractive bodies which greatly complements their ravishing looks. Most famed women from Brazil have medium complexion with glowing skin. 巴西,拉丁语国家中大部分健身模特都来自这个国家。在这里你会发现地球上排名靠前的最美女人很多来自巴西。不仅有白肤金发碧眼的,而且还有浅黑肤色的,这些巴西女孩都以性感,撩人,魅力超凡的身材闻名遐迩,这也为她们的迷人的外表增添光彩。大部分来自巴西的著名女性都拥有散发光泽的中性肤色。

文章关键词: 双语美女

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