
2015年09月15日10:09  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Inspired by summer blockbuster Mad Max: Fury Road, a college student in Florida has converted his own wheelchair into a spectacular Mad Max costume. Benjamin Carpenter, 20, created the ingenious costume, and it was an instant hit at the Tampa Bay Comic Con last month. His photographs made the front page of Reddit last week.

  受启于今夏大片《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》,一弗罗里达大学生将其轮椅改造为片中惊人装束。20岁的本杰明•卡彭特制作了这个精致的装束并在上个月Tampa Bay动漫展上一炮而红。他的照片也于上周荣登网站Reddit的首页。

Mad Max剧照Mad Max剧照

  Carpenter, who was born with spinal muscular atrophy, uses an upright wheelchair to move around – and he managed to work that right into the costume. He rigged the wheelchair to so it could be attached to a chariot, and then added finer details, emulating lead character Max Rockatansky’s look as a mobile blood bank in the film.



  Carpenter said that his obsession with the post-apocalyptic action flick inspired him to create the costume. He got together with a few fellow Mad Max enthusiasts, including Amy Brumfield whom he met at Metrocon in Tampa last year. They were the only two Mad Max cosplayers at that event, so they decided to team up for Comic Con as well. Carpenter also revealed that he is motivated by other cosplayers with disabilities.

  他说自己超爱后世界末日类动作影片,而这也是他制作该装束的灵感来源。他之前跟几个《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》爱好者聚在了一起,包括他去年在坦帕市Metrocon动漫节认识的艾米•布拉姆菲尔德。那次动漫节上只有他们两个扮演《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》,所以他们后来决定组队参加Tampa Bay动漫展。卡朋特透露道自己也受到其他残疾角色扮演者的激励。


  Apart from being a regular at such events, Carpenter has a host of other achievements to his name. He plays for the US National Power Wheelchair Soccer Team, and in 2007, he was awarded Nestle’s Very Best in Youth Award. Nevertheless, he was quite surprised with all the attention his costume received on Reddit.


文章关键词: 疯狂的麦克斯残疾学生角色扮演双语

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