
2015年09月23日08:09  爱语吧     收藏本文     

  China is good at making many things, from shoes to mobile phones, clothes to computers, and toys to ships. Now the country has a 10-year national plan, Made in China 2025, which makes the world’s second-largest economy ever more poised to move up the value chain and turn itself from a manufacturing giant into a world industrialized power。


  Here we detail some products, of which China makes the most, based on a report of sina.com.cn。


  No 10 Ships


  China builds about 766 million tons of vessels annually, accounting for 45.1 percent of the world’s total。


  No 9 Coal

  9. 煤

  The country produces about 1.8 billion tons of coal (oil equivalent) annually, taking up 48.2 percent of the world’s total. Its per capita production is also triple the average of other parts of the world。


  No 8 Pork

  8. 猪肉

  Pork bred by China contributes 49.8 percent of the total worldwide, hitting 1.5 million tons annually. That means for each person in China 40 kilograms are produced annually, six times the average of other parts of the world。


  No 7 Cement

  7. 水泥

  China annually produces 1.8 billion tons of cement, which accounts for 60 percent of the world’s supply. Per capita production is more than six times the average of other parts of the world。


  No 6 Shoes

  6. 鞋

  The number of shoes made in China annually reaches 12.6 billion, taking up 63 percent of the world’s total. Its per capita production stands at 10 pairs, about eight times the average of other parts of the world。


  No 5 Mobile phones

  5. 手机

  China makes about 70.6 percent of global mobile phones, 1.77 billion annually. Per capita phone production is 10 times the average of other parts of the world。


  No 4 Solar cells

  4. 太阳能电池

  Overall capacity of solar cells hits 21.8 million kW annually, 80 percent of the world total。


  No 3 Energy-saving lamps

  3. 节能灯

  The country’s 4.3 billion energy-saving lamps account for 80 percent of the global total, with each person producing 3.2 lamps annually - 16 times the average of other parts of the world。


  No 2 Air conditioners

  2. 空调

  China makes 80 percent of the world’s air conditioners. Per capita production is 17 times the average of other parts of the world。


  No 1 Personal computers

  1. 个人计算机

  China produced 286.2 million personal computers in 2014, accounting for 90.6 percent of the world’s total. The per capita production was 40 times the average of other parts of the world。


文章关键词: 十大中国制造

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