
2015年09月26日15:36  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  More than a quarter of men would like to wear HEELS to work to make them feel more confident, it has been revealed。据报道,英国四分之一以上的男性会想穿高跟鞋上班,让自己看起来更加自信。


  Research found 32% of men in the North West admitted to being envious of their female colleagues' wardrobes。研究发现,该国西北部约32%的男性承认自己艳羡女同事的着装。

  It also unveiled over half of men believe it is unfair women can wear a skirt while it is deemed socially unacceptable for men。研究还指出,接受调查中的男性一半以上都认为女性穿裙子是正常的,而男性穿裙子却是不为社会接受的,这种现象很不公平。

  Wine company Barefoot Wine compiled the findings to encourage men in the area to "be brave and express their inner selves through their clothes" - as well as increasing work productivity。贝尔富特葡萄酒公司汇编了这一调查结果,以此鼓励该行业的男性“大胆地通过着装表达内心的自我”——同时提高工作效率。

  It was also discovered almost a third of men and women would rather go barefoot, wearing no shoes to work。研究还指出约三分之一的受访者(男性和女性)宁愿光着脚不穿鞋上班。

  More than 80% would like to wear whatever they want for one day a week.80%以上的受访者称自己会在一个礼拜中的一天穿自己喜欢的物件上班。

  Surprisingly, many men said they would consider wearing heels to work as it would make them feel more confident in the workplace。令人惊讶的是,许多男性受访者称会考虑穿高跟鞋上班,因为这样可以使他们在办公室变得更加自信。

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